Hanging Out

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I had known Jude, Mase, and Chris my whole life. That's where the nicknames Juju and Masemello came from. Mason had always been my best friend. I loved the boys more than anything. A few years back I met Alé when I went to visit a mi Tío Messi and his family.

I hung out with the boys for a while, and then we went to see the boys at practice. Jude drove and Alé took shotgun. Mase and I sat in the back with Chris in between us. I rested my head on Christian's shoulder, and fell asleep on the way to the training ground. When we got there the boys woke me up by blasting music, and I immediately sat up. We walked to the field and sat on the pitch. After practice, the boys went into the locker room, but Marc came over to see me. 

"Hey Cielita!" He said genuinely sounding happy to see you.

"Hola!" I said back.

"Who is that?!" Said Juju.

"Yeah let us in on the tea." Mase said. Alé nodded, but Chris seemed if-y.

"It's her life, and trust me, if she thought we needed to know then she would tell us."

"It's complicated." I say.

Marc looks at me and it almost seems like he wanted to say something but that I spoke up and that what he wanted to say was not what I said. 

"I have to go take a shower." He said.

"Okay, but come here when you are done." I said.

"Okay." With that he went to the locker room.

"Okay, now you spill." Said Alejandro.

"I like him, it's just that I don't know if he likes me, and he's practically my dad's player, and that would be hard for him, and awkward with my dad, and he would get horribly punished if anything went wrong, and-"

"Alright enough with the whole book about how you want him." Jude said with a smile.

"So you like him but you don't want to admit it yet is what I'm getting from that." Chris said.


Just then Pedri and Gavi came out.

"Y/n!!" they both exclaimed as they ran over to give you hugs.

"Mi vida (Pedri), mi rey (Gavi)!" I hugged them and then we started talking.

After a few minutes Marc came out with a towel in hand. He didn't have a shirt on for who knows what reason, but it made my cheeks burn. I walked with him, and he shook his head, sending little droplets of water everywhere. 

"Hey, about last night-" He said.

"You hated it didn't you, and you didn't mean to kiss me, and augh!" I exclaimed.

"Woah." He said under his breath. "No, I loved last night and I wanted to ask if we could do something like that again, you know, like go on a date."

"Oh." I said, feeling like I had been hit by something very hard. "Yeah." I said in a quit voice.

Marc then took my hand and walked me to the door, holding it for me when he got there. It was cute, but what surprised me was when he picked me up once we got through the doors, and carried me to the car. We sat in the car, waiting for the others when he moved towards the side of the car that I was on. I smiled, and he leaned in. He put his one hand on my lower back, and the other on the back of my head. He pulled my head closer to his, and then we stared into each other's eyes. When he exhaled, it smelled like mint. He kissed me lightly on the lips, and then pulled away a little. I moved my head towards his, and he understood. He kissed me back, and it wasn't like the kiss that we had last night. There was more passion, more wanting in this kiss. I kissed him, and he kissed me back.

It was a while before the other boys came to the car, but it seemed like such a short time. 

"Woah! Keep it G!" Chris said.

"Yeah there are children around!" Mase said while putting a hand over Alejandro's eyes. Marc and I laughed, and he kissed me once more before moving away.

The ride back to my house was Mason and Jude blasting weird English songs, and Marc putting a hand on my thigh. When he initially did that, I smiled at him, and then put my hand on his so I could hold it. He pulled my hand up to his face and kissed it before returning it. 

That was the best time I could've ever had, and Marc was the reason why.


Wow. That was originally just going to be about the boys hanging out. 

That was not how it ended up.

Thank you guys for being great readers!!!

Remember: Any ideas are welcomed!

I love you all!!

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