Chapter Eight

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Rainpaw sat down next to her mother, her brother, and her aunt. Eyes dull, she looked down at her father. She wanted to burst out in tears and tell her father how much she loved him, but she could not talk during this vigil. Sunfur rested her paw on her kin, smiling at her. Her eyes said it all, I'm so sorry, it will be ok. Her paws tingled with anticipation to kill that wretched fox. She looked up to the sky. She could feel the light of SilverPelt gleaming down on her, and this time she felt another star just for her father.


Rainpaw moved next to Rivershine.

"I want you both to go check on ThunderClan's medicine cat. Clawstar told me that Redsight needs all the help he can get." Sunsetstar told them. Rainpaw nodded, determined. Rivershine walked closer to Sunsetstar, asking him something. He nodded and sent the two cats on their way. Rainpaw looked around, not seeing but smelling the camp. She would feel weird healing cats with unfamiliar smells around. She followed Rivershine, making sure their pelts brushed so she did not lose her. She pricked her ears, a noise had stopped her from running. She slowed, not even realizing she had been bounding across the parts of the territory she memorized.

"D-do you hear that?" She mewed. She heard Rivershine growl. What is she seeing? She thought. She remained silent, finding that she held her breath. A new growling came, but lower. It sounded canine-like, but it seemed it came from a smaller animal. She recognized that yapping she heard earlier. Fox! Her heart pounded as she pinpointed the scent, getting ready to spring at her target. Surely she would lose this battle, against a fox and being sightless? Suddenly she felt Rivershine's tail brush her, signaling her to not pounce.

"What do we do?" She whispered to her mentor. Rivershine said nothing, and Rainpaw felt her pelt leave hers. Backing away, which is what she assumed Rivershine did, she felt herself calm. The growling was no more and the foxes had left. "Oh StarClan!" She meowed.

The cats continued their journey, but the the fox scent still lingered. As they padded into the ThunderClan camp, Rainpaw smelled Clawstar rushing toward them.

"Good, you're finally here!" She hissed. "Come. Come." The cats rushed to Redsight, where Heatherpaw was crouched over him.

"It's too late . . ." She wailed. "He's with StarClan!" Her eyes were dull. Rainpaw did not need to see to know that the apprentice had tears down her face.

"I'm so sorry, we would've been here earlier but there were foxes and-" Rivershine silenced her with a flick of her tail onto her back. Rainpaw realized she should not share her Clan's weaknesses with other Clans.

"It's ok, no one heard. And I already know." She murmured. "Didn't your brother tell you what happened?" The bracken apprentice meowed. Rainpaw nodded.

"Leave us to grieve. Thank you." Clawstar said. Rivershine and Rainpaw nodded, and left them. I hope nothing else bad happens.

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