Chapter Fourteen

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Rainpaw longed to find herself seeing Rivershine with her own eyes, her leader, and her brother. At best she could feel them, but that wasn't enough. She shook her head. She had to continue on with her role in the Clan. She lay down, tail curled over her paws, and tried to sleep.

Rainpaw frantically looked around. At once the cool breeze calmed her. She heard a soft mew and bounced up, startled. The voice seemed new. The scent of RiverClan flooded over her.

"Who are you?" She demanded, alarm shaking her. A sleek, long-furred tabby emerged from a bush. Rainpaw recognized where she was; in RiverClan territory. The tabby smiled at her, a sweet, warm scent taking over her senses.

The cat parted their jaws. "Tigerfoot." The tomcat mewed. Rainpaw tilted her head to the side. Why was this cat here? She suddenly realized she was dreaming. But why was this tabby in her dreams?

"W-what are you doing here?" Her heart pounded as the tabby approached her. The powerful-muscled Tom sat in front of her now, and every hair on her pelt prickled in alarm. The cat inched closer and rested his nose on the WindClan medicine cat's cheek. Rainpaw shook her head. This cat smelled like an apprentice, but wasn't. He must've just gotten his warrior name. The cat had forest-green eyes, and a black, scarred nose. Rainpaw's belly churned with nervousness. The tabby then sat back down.

"I have not been sent by StarClan, Rainpaw. I'm dreaming as well as you. I've seen you collecting herbs, but I've never gathered the courage to talk to you." Tigerfoot replied. Rainpaw pinned her ears.

"So you're dreaming like me?" She asked. The RiverClan warrior nodded. "What do you mean you've never 'gathered the courage' to talk to me?" She queried. But before he could answer, Tigerfoot slowly faded away. "Tigerfoot!" She called to him. "Tigerfoot . . ."

"What are you yapping about now?" Growled Rivershine. Rainpaw jolted up, surprised by the ending of her dream. "Who's 'filthier-toot'?" She asked. Rainpaw shook her head.

"No one." She meowed feebly. "Sorry." Rivershine narrowed her blue eyes but said no more. Rainpaw sighed relief and padded out to the camp. She could feel darkness all around her. She was alone out here. Maybe she should go and take a walk? She could gather herbs on the way . . . She made her way to the bramble thicket and pushed herself up the cliff that led to WindClan's hollow. Soft grass cushioned her paws and she trotted out into the hills. She memorized her way around, but suddenly, she felt herself lost. She padded out until she fell in a river. Flapping her limbs around helplessly, she felt her head go under.

"Help!" She gurgled through the icy surface. "Someone!" She called. She felt herself go limp, and  the cold grip took over her body.


Rainpaw coughed out water, gagging. Her skin frozen, she sniffed to see who saved her; or what saved her. RiverClan was the strongest smell right now, and her dream flashed into her head.

"What do you think you were doing?" A cat demanded, looming over her. She shrunk back and gathered the strength to get up and sit.

"I'm so sorry . . ." She muttered. The cat let out a purr.

"Were you trying to swim in new-leaf? I'm not sure that it's a good idea." The tomcat meowed jokingly. Rainpaw pinned her ears.

"I'll be going now." She growled.

"I'm Tigerfoot, by the way." The tomcat ignored her vicious meow. "You're Rainpaw, right?" Rainpaw felt her heart almost fall out of her chest. Tigerfoot, the tabby who visited her in her dreams! She wanted to ask him that, if he dreamt about that too, but kept it too herself.

"How do you know me?" She growled. Tigerfoot narrowed his eyes, his muscles rippling his tabby pelt.

"I've seen you picking herbs across the stream." The RiverClan warrior answered. So he was the cat in her dreams! Beating of wings sounded above them, and her blind-eyes widened in terror. Trauma rushed over her from the Eagle that slashed her eyes when she was a kit. Furry taking over her brain, she pounced up high and leaped at the sound. She heard Tigerfoot yowl in alarm, and she jumped across the stream and ran to her camp, following the bird's call. Tigerfoot followed behind, terror in his voice as he called her to come back. A young kit was sleeping far outside the nursery, and the Eagle dove at the kit. Squeaking and waking up Rivershine and Mudstream, the kit's mother, the kit, Daisykit rushed under a rock. The Eagle dove at the she-kit, but Rainpaw was faster. She located her target and, claws extended, leaped. She sunk her fangs into the massive, strong bird and tore off it's wing. The bird fell limp, and the Clan cheered. Rainpaw suddenly realized what she just did, and that the whole Clan was watching her. Rivershine walked over and rested her tail on her apprentice's shoulder.

"You save Daisykit." Rivershine echoed the queen, Mudstream. Rivershine sat in front of the Clan.

"Our Clan's medicine cat, Rainpaw, has saved a kit from the wretched Eagle. I think it's time." She nodded to Redstar, who was emerging from his slumber. "I, Rivershine, medicine cat of WindClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with you she will continue serving her Clan for many more moons. Rainpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, and to serve all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" She asked. Stunned, Rainpaw could barely say, "I do". "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your full medicine cat name. Rainpaw, from this day on you will be known as Rainwing, in honor of the Eagle you killed to save Daisykit. StarClan honors you for your enthusiasm and honesty, and welcome you a full medicine cat of WindClan." She finished. Rainwing shook as she licked her mentor's shoulder. She had finally recovered from her injury, and was a full medicine cat. Suddenly, Shinefall growled, "Who is that RiverClan cat?"

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