Chapter 2

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QOD " A father is someone you look up-to, no matter how tall you grow

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QOD " A father is someone you look up-to, no matter how tall you grow." _Anonymous

"Wait Who's invaded my space?" I sprang out of bed, propelled by the mysterious squeaking

"Surprise!" It was none other than Daddy, Admiral Sultan, a towering figure with a dark, handsome complexion that resembled an early morning cup of coffee. His eyes, sharp; his smile, endearing; his frame, the epitome of strength. He was the father every child wished for - resolute, a hero, the go-to problem solver.

"Daddy, don't startle me like that," I pouted.

"Oh, come on, tough girl. I thought you feared nothing," he teased.

"I don't You just caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting you home."

"Took some time off for my baby girl, where have you been? I've been home all day, not even a whiff of your sweet musk. Won't you hug Daddy?"

I obliged, embracing him. I'd missed him. His military duties kept him away, missing countless birthdays. Yet, he compensated with calls, singing 'Happy Birthday' like a toddler. At 24, he still refused to let me grow, spoiling me endlessly.

"Enough hug for today;" he chuckled. "So, what have you been up to? Dates? Boyfriends? Friends?"

"Returned from a 'me date! Needed some breathing space. Yes, I have a mansion and Mom, but solitude is necessary. Boyfriend? Daddy please!"

"Hahaha, there's nothing wrong with having one, you are grown; you should."

"But Daddy, you said not yet."

"Nah, you've come of age. You can. I need grandchildren before I'm gone," he grinned.

"Daddy, stop talking about death. Mom, did you hear this old man talking about death and boyfriends on the same day."

"She can't hear you," he laughed.

"Then let's go to her." I led the way into
Mom's room-a serene haven with perfect temperature. She, an epitome of beauty, sat on her Italian bed in a purple shadda gown, embellished with some beautiful lilac threads and pearl stones.
Her fair skin glowed; her light pink lipstick lined with black highlighted her sharply curved nose.

She hails from sub-Saharan Nigeria , the Shuwa Arabs, she was a goddess! She had it all - beauty, brains, sexiness, calmness, and a soothing voice. Like a Beyoncé descended from Khadija RA, she was beyond perfection.

Hajiya Falmata, as they call her, but she's my darling mummy. Everyday, I see reasons why Daddy loves her even more, even though they only had me. He never pushed to marry another and have more kids; he was content with everything he got.

When these two sit together and have a conversation you'd think they were sent to save the world. I pray Allah grants them Jannah; they deserve it. God placed two kind hearts together, and I'm grateful to be of their lineage.

"What did Daddy do this time, Fairuru? " She inquired with genuine concern.

"Talking about death and boyfriends on the same day." I quipped.

"Shouldn't he?" Mom arched an eyebrow. "I was waiting for him to return so we'll have this conversation."

"No, not you again, Mom.

"We have to talk. At 24, with a business running, a bachelors degree, and a full time job, what more do you want?" she asked.

"Nothing, Mom. This is all I want, and it's enough."

"No," she insisted. "You must fulfill your
Muslim rights."

"Marriage isn't Fard; it's Sunnah," I retorted, annoyed.

"You think Allah mentioned it in the Qur'an just for the sake of mentioning? Or do you have other means of completing your deen?"

I was quiet for some time, I dislike conversations like that, they disgust me.

"No, Mummy," I answered angrily. I stood up to go out of the room in annoyance, only to be held back by Daddy.

"Come back here." He said almost yanking me offensively.

I angrily stayed back without making eye contact with any of them.

"Will you stop frowning and listen to us." Mummy snapped,

Ignoring me, Daddy intervened. "Everything we do is for your good. Go to your room, think about fixing things. You're a woman now; act like one."

His words surprised me, same man who said to think like a man, now wanting me to act like a woman. How do I balance this?

"I know deep down inside you, you know the right thing to do. Now go to your room and think about fixing this things." He said.

"I hope she knows it's time to change her mindset," I overheard Mom saying.

"She will." Daddy replied.

"But come here, let me hold you a little longer before I vanish again," he said to his wife. Those two are so in love; sometimes, I preferred being alone, than to watch them do their lovey dovey thing.

Chapter 2 here,
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