Chapter 12

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QOD "True fulfillment is found not in the grandeur of achievements, but in the simple moments where the heart is content and the soul is at peace." _ Anonymous.

Knowing Dad has done the right thing.

It was the troops from 17 brigade katsina, that came to my rescue.

From my window, I saw the soldiers banging on the gate, their heavy boots making the ground tremble. Everyone got rushed inside, leaving a few soldiers standing guard. The air turned thick with tension as hushed voices filled the house. Outside, the soldiers stood firm, casting an imposing presence.

Inside, uncertainty hung in the air like a heavy cloud. Why were they here? Fear and questions buzzed around like bees.

I waited, trapped in my own space, like everyone else, wondering what drama was about to unfold.

"Me ya faru ne wai, our eldest Aunt asked."

"Madam aikin mu kawai mukeyi."

"Ya zaku shigo mana gida ku hana mu sukuni."

"It's an order from the Admiral ma, ku koma ciki."

"24 hours curfew, if you don't comply, zakuyi 48 hours."

"Yau ga ikon Allah."

"Kowa ya shiga daki."A really tall and dark soldier shouted super loud, making the whole house shake. It was so intense that I could feel it even from inside where I was.

"Wanda ya sa ku taba yarinyar oga."

The low whispers of women and children floated from their rooms, and it almost made me want to laugh at the surrealness of the situation.

However, I restrained myself because, truth be told, they didn't deserve that kind of treatment. As I listened to those hushed conversations, a reminder nagged at me that tomorrow was Kamu – my favorite cousin's Kamu at that.

I couldn't let the chaos of that day cast a shadow over what was meant to be a joyous occasion.

Dad kinda... went too far.

"Amma Oga kun san biki mukeyi ko."

"That one na una problem o, kuyi mana shiru."

The air filled with their whispers, carrying insults that weren't aimed directly at anyone, yet the negativity was palpable. It didn't seem like it could be about me; rather, their gossip appeared to be the source of this chaotic atmosphere.

It seemed like their gossip had stirred up all that trouble.

"Hajiya Aunty toh ki kira shi mana."
Heard someone speaking to Mum.

"Ai ba ni zaku tura yar shi zaku tura, dan bazai kula ni ba." Mum gave reply, a truthful one.

"You mean you can't talk to him?"

"Does it mean we should apologize to fairuzah?" I heard Afee's. Voice asking.

"Maybe we should apologize to her." Another voice added.

A little chuckle bubbled up in my thoughts, but it was followed by this strange feeling of guilt. It was like two emotions doing a dance in my head – a giggly one and this uneasy, sorry sort of feeling. The whole situation had this dramatic twist that I couldn't quite shake off.

I quickly called Dad so he'd liquidate the punishment, not everyone deserved it, I felt bad , but they had a wedding to plan. Not me, cause I'd leave the second after.

I didn't want any of their apology, I wasn't interested in any prince and I only hoped the topic die down, but with that punishment I knew it will never die down, they'd remember it every time they remembered Afee's wedding, only that it will be amongst them.

Good for them.

A brief quite spell enveloped is,until Dad rang.

"Hello Daddy."

"Yes Fairu, what should we do to them."

"Daddy just let them be, I think they've learnt their lesson."

The air held a sense of resolution as Dad chose not to escalate the situation, trusting that the recent events had served as a teachable moment for those involved.

"You think so? It's barely an hour."

"Yes Dad, they have a wedding to plan."

"Will you stay back or we should book the next flight?"

"Let me try and see, I really want to be a part the wedding."

"If you say so."

I'm loving this Daddy's girl thingy!🤍✨
Chapter 12 took too long!
Love y'all ! 🤍✨
Lt. Naz 🤍✨
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