Chapter 8

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QOD ""Denying love its chance is like closing the door to a world of possibilities; you never know the wonders that could have unfolded. Give love the chance to surprise you." - Unknown

I took a quick warm bath and threw my Egypt boubou in coffee brown. Added a little lipgloss, and applied sunscreen on my face, cause babe's don't want to be caught unfresh.

Afeeyah came out in a beautiful black Jilbab, that accentuated her red henna, she glowed after all the magical gyran jiki she has undergo, I thought of trying it when I feel like it but then it wasn't like I really like this marriage thing, if single to stupor was a person then it has to be me, nevertheless I went out to meet my inlaw, and hoped that the whole meet my fiancé and his friend thing don't turn into a matchmaking, well even if it did, I wasn't interested.

A white SUV was packed outside the gate, a little beat of some naija hit could be heard from the car and two or more masculine voices were humming along.

Afeeyahs golden Meccah tooth greeted them as soon as we got there, in a swift the car was opened, and the glass wined down.

"Show off" I almost muttered, I went to hajj too, but I feel like wearing that golden tooth is show off, why do people have to do that, well she looked good with it, not me though, I won't even try, she had a nose piercing, on going out, she fixed a tiny gold ring to it, she looked like an Arabian hoe, but who am I to say so?

Her skin was skinning and that's all that glorified her beauty.

"Assalamu'alaikum beautiful people." The tall light skinned man who I was guessing to be Aseem greeted.

"Wa'alaikum salam." We answered in unison, as I look sideways.

"Amarya ta, how are you?" He had asked.

"I'm fineeeee, like so fineeeeee. Look at my henna, look at my nails, isn't your Amarya glowing." She said as she showed her henna off.

"I almost didn't recognise you my cute catty." He said as he poked her nose.

"Wannan kyau haka, are you sure we won't leave together today, cause Friday seems too far from
now." He continued.

"Oh come on! Today is Tuesday how many days left, I hope your clothes for the events are ready." She asked and laughed at the same time.

Knowing the conversation was not for me, I quickly took two steps forward and leaned on the car.

"Excuse my manners." He said.

"You must be Fairu."

"Now you're back to your senses." I almost said.

"Yes, please call me Fairuzah." I stated.

"Alright Fairuzah, you're more beautiful and bossy than I imagined."

my lips curved forming a small smile before I brought my phone out to shy away.

"I was told I'll like you the moment we meet, and of course, here we are."

I smiled again and gave a head nod.

"So how's work, and how's the Admiral."

"He's good, everything's good." I gave a short reply, as Afeeyah nudged me, signaling I should talk back or have a better conversation.

I understood her, and said "how's the preparation for the wedding.

"Alhamdulillah, we are here already , I can't wait to take this baby girl home."

"I see." I replied with a small smile.

" hop in let's go grab some ice cream or something, this might be the only opportunity to see you."

"Seems like you know a lot about me." I said to him.

"Just a handful, before that please meet my friend, he's such an introvert."

"Kai sauko mana, come and meet our favorite cousin."the average heighten man alighted and said salam.

We all answered in unison.

And then we all went quite far a few before Afeeyah said, "Bilal how are you, here's my favorite cousin Fairuzah."

"Nice to meet you Fairuzah." He stated plainly.

"Nice to meet you too." I returned the compliment.

We all hopped into the car and left for the ice cream bar.

The journey stretched out like a big story, with the two lovebirds chatting excitedly about their upcoming wedding. But for Bilal and me, it turned into a tough situation.

We couldn't really talk or even move comfortably; it felt like we were stuck on a bunch of sharp thorns, making everything awkward and uneasy.

The happiness of the moment seemed clouded by a strange silence, and it was tough to find the right words or actions without feeling weighed down by an invisible discomfort.

In the quiet, I felt a bunch of thoughts swirling in my head. Bilal, looked kind of distant. I wondered if there was some tension between us or if it was just a rough first time.

As we faced each other for the first time, an unspoken tension lingered in the air. The backseat seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for something to happen.

Our eyes met, but beneath the surface, a veil of mystery shrouded our true feelings. Little did we know that this encounter would set off a chain of events, unraveling secrets and mysteries that had long been concealed in the shadows.

Phew! What a way to meet people!
Do you think Fairuzah will give friendship/ relationship a chance? Let's find out in chapter 9!!
Chapter eighttttttttt!
Thank you for always reading !
Lt. Naz 🤍✨

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