part 1: suburban legends

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A/N: hey guys!! this is my first time writing a fic, so i'm very excited. i'll be trying to upload 1+ a day or as recently as possible! lmk if you enjoy the first chapter!! <33


Carlo's pov ;

I sat at the table, slouched over my plate like a beat up bean bag. My brunette hair swept to the right side of my face messily, slightly itching my eyes.

My meal, roast chicken, stared back at me. It was practically asking to be eaten before growing cold. Which seemed like it would be soon, our company hadn't arrived yet.

"Carlo, sit up straight. You look a mess, and comb out your hair. It is scruffy, you look so scruffy." demanded Mr Farrell. I ran my hands through my hair and rearranged my posture, then tugged on my suit sleeves and twisted them through my fingers. I looked to my father for approval, to which he nodded.

"Are they coming yet? God, we've been here for 30 minutes. Why am I here anyway, Mr Hunt is your friend - I don't know him?"

"Don't be so rude. As I've told you, his children are coming. Jane and, erm, Edvin I think it is, they're your age. I thought you might benefit from some nice friends, maybe even a girlfriend."

I let out a harsh scoff and glanced at my hands. Having a girlfriend had never really crossed my mind, sure I'd wanna get married one day. But the thought of girls, I never pondered it. "I don't particularly want you setting me up, Dad, but thanks a lot." Mr Farrell didn't answer, nor did he even acknowledge that I had said anything at all.

Suddenly, my father stood up. There, at the door, stood 3 people. Mr Hunt, Jane and Edvin. They were walking over to the table, smiles plastered onto their faces. Mr Hunt shook my hand and then my fathers, apologising for their lateness.

Mr Hunt was tall and broad-shouldered. He had silver hair pushed back and piercing blue eyes, his pupils small dots lost in the bright pools. His black suit hugged his chest, in quite a flattering way and it was clear that he was very fit. Although, his age showed through his deep - set creases on his forehead and under eyes.

Jane was next to him. She was small and slim in comparison, dressed in a lilac dress that floated in the breeze from the open doors. Her blonde curls were tucked behind her ears, her face completely in view. Her eyes were brown and quite dull, much unlike her fathers, but overall she was very pretty. I stared at her for a few seconds, I could tell she was good-looking but I didn't exactly feel attracted to her. Maybe I would just need to get to know her.

Edvin hung slightly further back from the other two. He was above average height, maybe 6'2, and he was pretty athletic. His suit was sharp and well-fitted, clearly tailored to precision. He had blonde hair that parted down the middle, unlike mine, it curved around his hairline and flicked at the bottom. The resemblance between him and his father was uncanny, probably an exact replica of Mr Hunt's golden days. Same pale blue eyes and strong jawline, he wasn't as confident though. He only introduced himself when told to.

Dinner was bad.

Turns out Mr Hunt owned a boarding school in the countryside, specialising in misbehaved boys. Father told me that he had signed me up and that after this summer I would be joining.

Suddenly, I felt numb.

The countryside? Boarding school? Only this summer left?

I felt a burning rage flush through me and I excused myself from the table, going out to get fresh air. Father didn't argue and I stomped out into the gardens. The smell of salt air from the sea filled my nostrils and I exhaled slowly.

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