part 2: foolish one

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A/N : hey again!! please lmk if there's anything you wanna see in future parts here ->

Edvin's pov ;

I didn't wake up to the light spewing into my room. I didn't wake up to the smell of coffee drifting through the house. I didn't wake up to the seagulls squawking continuously. Instead, I woke up to my father storming around the house .

I sat up quickly. Was my father mad? I knew he and Mr Farrell had been drinking pretty late last night.

I poked his head out the door, it was clear of any angry fathers and so I deemed it safe. I stepped out of the room, the wooden panel creaking under my bare foot.

Jane and Gisselle were sitting at the kitchen table, both fully made up and prepared for the day. They were in bikinis, their hair in silver claw clips and flip-flops that showed their white toes.

"You look rough," laughed Gisselle as I walked into the kitchen. She received an elbow to the rib from Jane and they broke into fits of giggles.

"Gisselle, always a pleasure." My morning voice was grumbly and deep and it seemed a little ruder than I had planned.

Truth be told, she wasn't exactly lying. My hair was all over the place and I was only in pyjama bottoms, tatty and old ones. Not that I really cared what I looked like while sleeping, but the mornings were pretty humbling.

I poured the freshly brewed coffee into a mug and walked back up the stairs to ready himself for the day. Father had been strict on the rules this summer;

1: Have fun, or at least look like it.
2: No trouble, fighting or arguments.
3: Most important rule... none of his 'bisexual crisis nonsense'.

Yes, that's correct. I had come out to his father last month, I didn't know what I'd expected but it wasn't the reaction I got; Father had told me that he didn't believe me. Just that. Apparently, he couldn't believe his son was anything other than straight until I did something about it.

I didn't know what that meant, so I just didn't bring it up again. I acted more un-phased than I felt, all I wanted was support. I could even get his father to believe him.It wasn't exactly an accepting community to be out in, posh aristocrats who think they're better than the next for having more money in their trust fund. It's why I hadn't told anyone else.

I showered, put on some swimming trunks and grabbed a beach towel, sun lotion and my current read; 'Of mice and men' by John Stienbeck. It was for English homework over the summer to finish reading it.

"I'm gonna go to Farrell's house now. Mkay?"

Jane looked at me, confused. "Why?"

"Didn't dad tell you? The filter is not working in the pool here. But, er were welcome to go to the Farrell's house whenever, so." Jane nodded in response and told me that they might join me later on.

My sliders were next to the door and I slid them on, scooting my sunglasses from my forehead to over my eyes. Then, I head off.

The set up for the day was on a pool lounger, trying to read. The book was dull, not to mention that my classmates had spoiled the ending. There wasn't much point in even reading it, anymore.


Carlo's pov ;

I woke up to my father crashing around in the kitchen. I walked down the steps and sat at the kitchen counter.

"Morning, boy. Welcome to day one of summer, eh?" He fumbled at the coffee machine, until it started spitting out the brown liquid into his mug. "Hate this thing, I should just brew some. Oh well, er."

"You and Mr Hunt were up pretty late last night?"

"You know what whiskey does to men like us, ha! Oh and god he told me something pretty big. Probably thought I'd forget by morning but, er..."

I nodded slowly waiting for him to actually spit out the secret.

"Edvin, he's gay." Mr Farrell grimaced slightly as he said it and then chuckled under his breath, mockingly. "I don't know how James Hunt, out of all people, accepts it! If it were you, god, I'd be ruined. My reputation.. No wonder he's hesitant to accept that its true!"

Hatred stirred up in my stomach, like I'd just got off a funfair ride. It was the most odd feeling I had ever experienced. "Oh, shut the fuck up dad." I spoke strongly, almost a shout.

He was lost for words, his face turned deep red. I wouldn't even be surprised if steam rose from his ears. "What did you just say to me? Hm? What did you say?"

"You heard me, god dad, mature a little will you. It's not a big deal and you have no right to be so rude."

Father was trembling with his rage and he leapt forward slightly. His fresh mug of coffee being hurled at me and sloshing all over my chest. It burned and I bit down on my tongue. "You watch your mouth boy, I'm your father! You're one of them, are you? Is that why you defend him, god?"

I stood up, muttering curses as I stormed up the stairs. My footsteps crashed on the floorboards, I didn't care how loud. I heard from downstairs, the front door open and Edvin's voice greeting my father. I didn't care, he needed to shower. I just hoped my father wouldn't treat him any different, or at least make it obvious.

The cold shower felt amazing on my sore chest. Practically boiling water sloshed down the front of me, what was Father expecting to happen?

I scrubbed and scrubbed, but the slight redness from the burns would not go away. I decided that I could just wear a shirt until it healed and got out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel and walking back to my bedroom.

⚣ It Won't Work like that. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora