part 7 : sweet nothing

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A/N : short chapter ikkk but i'm pretty tired sorry guys <3

Edvin's pov :

We strolled along the beach, the breeze messing up my hair slightly. We were talking about nothing, yet everything. It was weird, seeing how distant he had seemed, quite a large switch up.

Not that I complained.

Dinner was good, I ordered pasta and he got lobster. Of course, in his daft mind imitating the lobster was the funniest thing ever to be done. Even while the whole restaurant watched in horror. It was, however, partly comforting that he didn't care about other peoples opinions. That was the point of this all, right?

The sun was setting and it painted pink and orange all over the sky. I had always thought of sunsets when getting upset over something ending. Endings could be beautiful. Me and Carlo were almost at the end, summer was fading into autumn. Although I tried, I couldn't make it beautiful. Only gut- wrenching and sad. At least, I would've helped him. Maybe he would see me around school and think, that's Edvin. I remember when he helped me out last summer to get revenge on my father.

Maybe we would stay friends. Maybe he would forget me entirely, but I would know. I would always know that; red was his favourite colour, that breakfast was his favourite meal of the day simply for the chance of croissants, he refused to add milk to his coffee, his smoking habit, how good he was at painting. I would always know him, even when he would forget me.

Streetlamps lit up the walkway as dusk crept in, slowly. The moon was coming forward and shining brightly. I never wanted this moment to end, I wanted to hold my breath and live in it forever. I wanted to smell his cologne mixed with the smoke on his jacket.

"I don't want this moment to end," I said, thinking out loud. He turned to look at me. Really look at me. He stuck out his chin slightly and locked his with my eyes. "It's so pretty out here," I tried to cover, breaking eye contact and blushing.

"Me neither, maybe if we both hope hard enough. Time will slow down. Only we would be able to move, only us in the world."

"You wouldn't get bored?"

"Never," he responded, fast.

He turned into his bag and rustled inside. "What's the matter?" He didn't respond. Just kept looking through.

"I got you these," he said, smiling. There in his hand were a small bouquet of roses, crumpled up from being deep in his rucksack.

"I can't take them."

"You said on our last date that you didn't feel noticed. I was the one who suggested flowers. Take them." He held them out and stepped forward. His body was so close to mine that I could feel the heat coming off it. I took the flowers from his hand and he planted a kiss on my cheek. I was confused until I turned to see a group of people.

Oh yeah, I couldn't let myself forget that this was all for show.

Suddenly, from behind the group emerged 4 teenagers. My heart stopped and I heard Carlo swallow. It was Monty's group. Not all of them, but he was there.

They were approaching our direction, laughing. I had no clue what to do, I simply froze and stared at Carlo. He was the one to move.

His hand reached out and met mine, our fingers entwined together. He pulled me close to him and tilted my jaw up. His nose pushed into mine tenderly and our lips locked. He was so gentle, squeezing my hand slightly too.

Had he forgotten our rules? No kissing on the mouth? He was the one who set up that rule for god's sake!

I let myself kiss him back, push my face further into his. He tasted like coke and cigarettes. Normally, I would find that repulsive but I wasn't exactly acting rationally. I heard as Monty's group passed, they sounded repulsed. How perfect. Once gone, he broke the kiss.

We were both slightly out of breath and extremely flustered. "I'm sorry, I know that it was a rule for no kissing. I just, panicked. I didn't wanna speak to them. I am so sorry, Edvin, I didn't mean to push your boundaries or anything."

"It's okay, really."

He smiled, sweetly. Most normal friends didn't know how the other tasted. I guess this wasn't exactly a normal situation or friendship, though.

I hugged the roses to my chest, and we began walking up the road. We had planned on staying at his for the night again. This meant tonight was over. That our hopes had failed us and life would have to carry on, not in slow motion.

I was not complaining about a single thing that had just happened though. Butterflies pounded at my stomach walls and I felt weak. He was such a gentleman. A soft gentleman. My soft gentleman.

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