part 4: dancing with our hands tied

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A/N: sorry for the short chapter - has a part 2 though!!

Edvin's pov :

The next morning, Mr Farrell arrived home pretty early. When he stumbled into Carlo's room to find us asleep next to one another, furious was an understatement.

"Carlo Oliver Farrell, get up. Now."

We both awoke and jumped out of the bed, not even looking at each other.

"Why have I heard from 3 different people, well not just people but my friends, that you two were holding hands? And now I find you in bed together, I know, please, we both know for a fact that hes a f-"

"Dad, stop. I don't know what you're on about. Don't be embarrassing."

"Don't be naive, Carlo. This is absolutely not what I raised you to be. And trust me if anyone's embarrassed, it's me. He's gay, are you as well, eh? Is that why you were so defensive, you're one of them?"

Carlo went bright red, both from rage and humiliation. He looked at me, I was looking at the ground shaking slightly. I didn't like the idea of him being in trouble because of me. "It's none of your business, dad. He's bisexual anyway, at least get it right. Like I said, we're not together, so stop it."

I thanked him with my eyes and we both walked out of the room. "Well, good."

Carlo avoided him for the rest of the day and got us reservations at a seafood restaurant on the beach. I was excited, but I made sure to remind myself not to get too carried away.

It was classy and there were alot of people, that was good. We needed to be seen together, or what was the point?

"Hello, what will you be ordering today?" asked the waiter, standing tall with an ipad in hand.

"Er, hello, olive and ham pizza. Thanks," I replied and I sipped from my straw.

"And for you sir?"

"Hm, I'll have the same. Please."

"Okay! I'll top up your drinks too, it'll be out shortly."

The waiter took our menus and walked off. I leaned forward, over the table. Courage flooded over me. "People aren't looking."

Carlo laughed under his breath. "Okay attention drama-queen, what do you wanna do to be seen?"

I leant back again, pretty embarrassed. "Oh stop it. I just mean, it's not very obvious that we're on a date. Well, I know we're not but, you know, er."

Carlo stretched his arms back, pretending to ignore my obvious blush. Someone kill me now. "Giggle or something, I don't know. I don't date?"

I rolled his eyes at him. "You should have bought flowers, so un-gentleman like."

"Oh no, will you no longer marry me, kind sir?" he mocked. "I'm going for a smoke."

"Euglh, what?"

"Im. Going. For. A. Smoke. Smoking is when you take out a cigarette and-"

"Omg my god, don't be stupid. And that's disgusting, don't you know what that does to your body?"

"Stop thinking about my body, little perv." Carlo teased, throwing me a wink. He pushed his chair under the table and skipped out to the gardens.

I sat in his seat, I was blushing like crazy. I tried to stop myself, but eventually gave in. Did Carlo know that I liked him? Actually liked him, not in a fake-dating way? I stopped that train of thought, way too much to dive into right now.

Once Carlo returned to the table, he stunk of smoke. I forced a cough. "See what you're doing to me?"

"Gosh, I thought you were good at acting? Weird how you do performing arts with absolutely no level of acting skill." sneered Carlo, smiling. He remembered? I told him that a week ago while he was half asleep.

I pushed my hair back and crossed my arms, mouthing 'I'm better than you.'

The food came quite fast, but it was fresh and hot. Carlo inspected it closely.

He then took his fork and removed all of the olives, one by one plopping them onto my plate.

"I was too shy to ask to take off the olives. And, well, you like them."

"You don't like olives? How old are you? And, you know there's a plain ham pizza you could have ordered.."

"I did not know that, and now I feel stupid."

They both laughed and Edvin shrugged. More food for him was never a loss.

They finished their food and left the restaurant.

"Tomorrow, we should go to the beach. Get ourselves seen other than in the evenings." I suggested, giggling slightly.

"I agree, I'll message you. Okay?" I nodded and we walked home, each to our own house tonight. Sorta dissipointing, eh?

Once through the door, I immediatly opened messages and went to Carlo's contact. I waited by my phone, like I was sitting in an airport bar. No message. No message. No message. Ugh how much longer-

Edvin, wsp?

Uh, nothing yet. wbu?

I am sat in bed,
watching harry potter.

Lmao, which one?


Oh god, worst one.

You must be blind or
blind if you think the
one with cedric diggory
is the worst.

Wow, coming from a
straight boy???

He's my version of
Ryan Reynolds

Edvin let out a snort and rolled over.

The books are better.

Tell me abt it.

You read??

I'm full of secrets!
Does this mean im
officially mysterious?


I feel privileged.

Im going to sleep.
Cya at the beach tmrw.

I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes.

No way I was crushing on a straight boy. A straight boy who doesn't even remember that we've met before..

⚣ It Won't Work like that. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin