part 5: call it what you want

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A/N : hey guys - big trigger warning for sh scars and serious topics in this chapter<3

Edvin's pov:

I didn't sleep well. I tossed and turned, excited for the next day. The sea, the sun and Carlo.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I was greeted by a flood of sunlight streaming into my bedroom. The warm rays cast a golden glow onto the walls and furniture.

I stretched slowly and sat up, squinting my eyes. I wondered what time it was but wanted a few more moments of serenity before checking.

Then, rather conveniently, my phone buzzed and I reached down to pick it up. My dozy eyes scanning the screen.

Edvin, be at the beach at 11.

Oh god, how was it already 10:45? I hadn't slept that poorly, had I?

Launching out of bed and searching through my wardrobe for a shirt and swim shorts, I scrambled to put them on.

My rucksack already had a towel and sunscreen so I threw it on my shoulder and raced down the stairs, so fast I could have fallen over and not cared.

Jane was sitting on the bottom step and she reached her arm out, it clasped around my arm and turned me around to face her.

"Jane? What?"

She paused and parted her lips. "Are you and Carlo going out?" I considered what I would respond with and then nodded, cautiously. "Is he even gay? I mean, are you even gay? How haven't you told me about this?"

I felt bad for keeping secrets. "I'm bi, I would have told you. It's just.." I didn't have to explain, she smiled widely.

Her arms flung around my shoulders tightly and she buried her face into my neck. "I love you." I felt a warm feeling bubbling up inside of m, acceptance. "You seem hurried, I wont keep you. I want to hear more later though!"

I nodded and headed out the door. The air was damp and hot and I knew that he couldn't avoid the water today.


Carlo's pov:

I was sprawled out on a beach towel with my eyes closed, soaking in the sun. I sat up when Edvin arrived.

He looked good, messy but good. His blonde hair was forced under a hat and his cheeks looked sun kissed and pink.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I, er, came out to my sister."

I stretched his arms out and smiled. "Wow, congrats! How did she take it?"

"Really well, I'm surprised I didn't do it earlier to be honest."

I was happy that Edvin was happy. Even though I knew that I would never be accepted in such a way, if he ever needed to come out. Which he didn't...

"I'm boiling, I don't know if I feel like swimming though."

"You don't? Why?"

I looked down at my chest and signalled to it with my hands. "The burns still haven't healed up. It's weird, I should be moisturising it I guess."

Edvin swallowed and inhaled, shakily. "Er, I should tell you something." He readjusted his position. "I mean, it's obvious I'm always in a shirt too. I have scars, down my wrists."

My heart sank. I reached out for his arm and glanced at him. He nodded softly and I folded his sleeve up. As he had said, there were scars planted up his forearm. Some were clearly quite new. I looked up at him and drew him in to hug me. Wrapping my arms around his waist tightly.

"We both haven't got anything to be ashamed of, right? So I'll go in if you do," he said, his voice sure and fairly confident for once. I nodded and started to race him towards the water.

The waved swelled and surged like they were out to get someone. Edvin toppled over first, going completely under and being taken several metres before grasping for air through fits of laughter.

I was next, being completely submerged and sent. I tossed underwater, scraping my arms on the rocks but using them to force myself above the water again.

When I came up, Edvin was very close. His eyes were searching the water and he looked worried, it seemed to fade once I reappeared. Our arms grazed and we stumbled apart. I muttered an apology and felt myself going sorta pink.

Edvin was worried, he cared.

I felt my stomach flutter and twist. It wasn't something I had experienced before, like floating and being tickled at the same time.


The realisation hit me like a truck. I was getting butterflies over Edvin. Over a boy. I forced a swallow down my throat and started to wade into shore.

No, I couldn't process this here. I needed a break. But now out of the water, I still found I couldn't process it. Great.

Here's what I knew; my stomach flipped at simple contact with Edvin's arm, I liked the fact that he cared, my heart physically hurt thinking of Edvin upset or alone and he has the sweetest smile that I can never stop thinking about.

No, no, no.

This did not look very good.


I got practically no sleep. All he could think about was Edvin. All I could think about was his eyes, crystal blue. The first thing I noticed when meeting him weeks ago. His blonde hair, conditioned and light from the sunlight. His smile, dimples either side of it. The way he talked about his interests, and hobbies.

It made me blush as I sat up in bed, wiping the precipitation off my forehead. I swallowed and opened my phone. We hadn't gone out to dinner that night, it had been awkward since the beach. I went home early.

Now, I was worrying that Edvin thought he had done something wrong. What was he feeling?

I had to sleep, tomorrow we were supposedly getting breakfast. Staying with each other all day. The thought filled me with happiness, butterflies dancing around. No, they're not allowed to dance. I don't like boys like that. This is just fake.

As much as I tried to defeat it, the feeling grew. The new buzz in my stomach. Nothing I had ever got with a girl, nothing I had ever got with anyone actually.

Either way, tomorrow would come whether I worried or not. The sun would rise and the gulls would squawk their usual wake up call. Feelings did not make the time stop.

It just sure did seem to slow it down.

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