part 6: i think he knows

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A/N : an extremely annoying chapter may want to hit both characters. mwah.

Edvin's pov :

Jane and Giselle's jaws were both on the floor. I had told them everything; how we were fake dating, how I actually liked him, the reason we did it, how, when, where, why, that he was straight, our rules for the fake relationship.

"It really didn't seem like that, jeez." Giselle scoffed and crossed her leg over the other. Jane was still frozen, clearly in thought.

"He's straight? He doesn't actually like you?" She glanced over at Giselle and they were giving the same glance. Communicating with their eyes. I nodded and looked at my shoes. "I don't think so."

My neck snapped up so fast that I had to rub it with my palm. "What do you mean?"

"The way that boy looks at you? That doesn't look fake."

"He's straight-" I start, being cut off.

"He is 16, he's bound to be figuring things out about himself. Besides, don't get so caught up in labels. If he likes you then he likes you. Right?"

"But he doesn't. Plus, we are literally twins, you are 16 too." I clear my throat and roll my eyes at her sass.

She shrugs and slouches back down, retreating. I realised that it was probably now time to get going for breakfast. I said my goodbyes and walked out, sort of nervous.

Carlo had felt distant, ever since yesterday. Ever since the beach. I didn't think much about it really. I should have.

Carlo's pov:

I arrived at the restaurant first. It was nice inside, teal walls and pastel flowers everywhere. The tables were marble and the chairs wicker. I took a seat at our table and checked to see if Edvin had cancelled. He was late, he probably had. Right?

Maybe he had realised how awkward I was, put the pieces together and realised that I like him. No, I don't like him. No, I don't like him. No, I don't like him. He didn't want to hang out because he thought I was weird and flustered.

There was no message, I was getting anxious over nothing.

Just as I placed my phone back on the table, the door opened quietly. Edvin glanced around the room before locking eyes with me and smiling. He walked over and took a seat.

He looked well-rested and fresh. That made one of us, I looked like a rotting corpse. His hair was washed and still slightly damp from the shower. He was in a crisp black t-shirt and linen trousers.

"Morning," he said, cheerfully. Okay, maybe he hadn't noticed. Or maybe he was hiding it.

I wanted to apologise and tell him everything that I was feeling. He would get it, right? He wouldn't judge me, he never had. But I couldn't. I had to stay distant, un-attach myself before getting deeper into everything. Yes, I had to make sure we drifted. "Er, morning."

He drew back a bit and I saw his cheeks swell slightly pink. That must mean awkwardness, embarrassment on my behalf?

The waiter walked over casually and pulled a notepad from her apron pocket. She rolled the pen between her fingers and smiled widely. "Hey! Can I get you guys anything, or are you still thinking?" I nodded and she clicked on her pen.

"Er, I'll get avocado toast. Thanks," I said. She blew air out of her mouth and mouthed 'good choice.'

She turned to Edvin and he put his finger on the menu, moving it as he read. "Blueberry pancakes, please, but could you put the blueberries on the side?" She nodded. "Thanks."

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