Chapter 4

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The following day, it was early in the morning and everyone was still asleep since it was the weekend, everyone, that is, except for Issei and Rossweisse. Rossweisse, in particular, was an early riser by habit, a trait deeply ingrained from her days as Odin’s bodyguard. The discipline of her former life had merged itself into her current lifestyle. This morning was no different, and she had already brewed a pot of coffee by the time Issei made his way downstairs to the kitchen.

Rossweisse: “Good morning, Issei. You're up pretty early.”

Issei: “Yeah, I had a feeling you'd be up already. Always the early bird, huh?”

Rossweisse: “Old habits die hard, I suppose. Plus, I enjoy the quietness of the morning. It gives me time to plan my day and think.” she said, pouring two cups of coffee and giving one to him.

Issei accepted the cup with a grateful nod, savoring the aroma before taking a sip. The warmth of the coffee seemed to chase away the remnants of sleep, bringing a more alert expression to his face.

Issei: “I can see the appeal in that. The house is so peaceful right now compared to how noisy it normally is.”

Rossweisse: “It's moments like these that make me appreciate the simpler things in life. It's not often we get to enjoy such silence.”

Issei: “Yeah we're usually dealing with something crazy happening.”

Rossweisse: “How was Ravel yesterday?  When I brought her home after she threw up she seemed fine. I checked on her last night when I came in and she was sound asleep.”

Issei: “Yeah she's fine, I fed–um gave her some stew last night and we talked for a bit.”

Rossweisse: “That's good to hear. And you?”

Issei: “I'm fine, just a bit tired, nothing serious has happened. I'm assuming Azazel has you keeping an eye on me?”

Rossweisse: “Yes, but I'm also doing it out of my own concern for you and your health.”

Issei: “I see. Hey, are you hungry?”

Rossweisse: “A little.”

Issei: “How about some pancakes and an omelet?”

Rossweisse: “That sounds wonderful. Thanks for offering.”

Issei got to work in the kitchen, pulling out the necessary ingredients to whip up a hearty breakfast. The clatter of pots and the sizzle of the pan filled the room, as he cooked, Issei decided it was the right time to bring up the topic of the concert Kiba had mentioned the night before.

Issei: “Rossweisse, I wanted to talk to you about something. Kiba and Saji invited me to a concert tonight. It's Lenny Code Fiction; they're supposed to be really good. I was wondering... would you be able to look after Ravel for the evening? I know it's short notice, but–”

Rossweisse: “Yes, I'll look after Ravel while you're gone. It's important for you to take some time for yourself too. I can handle things here. Ravel's been doing better, and I'll make sure she's okay.”

Issei: “Are you sure? I don't want to impose on you.”

Rossweisse: “It's no imposition at all. We're all here to support each other, and this is how I can support you right now. Go and enjoy the concert. Have fun, and don't worry about us here.”

Issei: “Thanks, Rossweisse. I really appreciate it. I'll make sure to be back as soon as I can.”

Rossweisse: “Don't rush on my account. Enjoy the night. You deserve it.”

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