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So, I noticed that The Red Dragon King hasn't really received a lot of comments and I'm not complaining or anything. But I do want know how you guys feel about the story, and the direction that it's going. Personally I find it far more interesting and compelling than the original versions, but that's my point a few as the author so I don't always see what you guys might see. Seeing your feedback, whether it's praise, constructive criticism, or even questions about the plot and characters, is incredibly valuable to me. It helps me understand your perspectives and can often inspire new directions or improvements in the story. The Red Dragon King is a labor of love, and I've poured countless hours into developing its world, characters, and plot.

So, please, don't hesitate to share your thoughts. Are there characters you're particularly fond of, or maybe some you'd like to see more development from? Are there parts of the lore or the world that you're itching to explore further? Maybe there's a plot twist that caught you off guard, for better or for worse. Whatever your thoughts, I'm all ears. It's always a boost to know when something I've created has entertained or moved someone. So, let's open up the floor—what are your thoughts on The Red Dragon King?

All types of criticism are welcomed, but comments not related to the story, such as:  when will I update my other books? Why does it take so long to publish chapters? And other disrespectful comments will be deleted.

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