Them During thanksgiving

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- Was the guest that showed up last minute after not responding to the thanksgiving group chat. He's been out of communication with everyone for months.


- Was so overwhelmed and had a breakdown in the car before walking inside. Burnt the pie he bakes and ended up crying over his food at the table.


- Was one of the people who was going on a "walk" before the meal. Brought the booze


- Ended up hosting. Will be on a tirade the entire week before making the house stays as clean as possible. 


- Was the one to ask what everyone was thankful for. Had a very public facebook meltdown after


- Sat on the coach in the corner awkwardly for most of the night


- Also went on the "walk" but was also the one who led the community football game


- Made a whole ass spreadsheet on what everyone has to bring, and did daily check ins to make sure everyone was on track, but as always, it was a gamble because grandma made a walnut casserole instead of a pecan pie


- Made everyone watch the Macy's day parade, ended up at the kids table


- Watched football and talked politics majority of the time


- The drunkest at the gathering and passed out on the couch before dark. Brought the gelatinous cranberry sauce.


- Came from work and grabbed a t-go plate, defiantly the favorite child who brought a pumpkin pie that she "Made herself."


- Came at the last minute and was the first to leave because he had other thanksgivings to go to as well

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