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"Today we're here for the judgment of Mr. Bott of Bott industry and his abusive action towards his daughter Sarina bott." a male said as he paced around the court room. "The first to come up to the podium is miss Sarina herself."

Sarina got up and vowed to say the truth before she sat down. "So miss Sarina, how come you've never told anyone before of your father abusing you?"

"I was told by my father not to tell anyone...H-He had told me that it was my punishment for killing his wife by being born." Sarina said sadly a she looked down.

"When did the abuse start for you?"

"Ten years ago from today to be exact. When I was 13 years old."

"And at that time were you aware of the charges that your father may or may not get?"

"No sir."

"That's all that I have to ask her."

Then the lawyer who was going to protect her father stood up and went up to her.

"So you're telling all of us here that your busy father has abused you for ten years straight, you are an adult you could have moved out, you realized this yes?"

Sarina narrowed her eyes. "I knew that and I've tried. But that bastard never once allowed me to leave the house since my no good elder brother ran off years ago. He said that if Marco; my brother, wasn't going to take his place as the next CEO then I was going to be forced to do so and I couldn't move out no matter what happened."

The lawyer looked to her father before he looked back to Sarina. "Alright, so you claim that there are marks on you from the 'abuse' he supposedly gave you."

She looked up at the judge. "Do I have permission to show the marks on my back?"

"Proceed Miss Bott."

Sarina nodded her head and got up before she slowly showed the marks that were on her back from the last two times she was abused. "These are the marks that my own father placed upon me. For what reason? The ones towards my bra strap are because he didn't like that I was home late due to taking my drunk friends home and the ones closer to my skirt are because I was asleep without him knowing. He apparently hated that I slept instead of studying to be the next CEO of Bott corps." Sarina said before she placed her shirt down and sat down.

The lawyer then sat down after that. Sasha was then questioned as well as one of the maids who he had as his personal mistress. They called for break as the jury spoke about what to do about the ordeal. As they did Levi went up to Sarina and hugged her tightly kissing the top of her head.

"Are you going to be okay, you looked slightly unsure while you were up there." Levi said softly

"I-I'll be fine. But thank you for being here with me. I...I really am thankful for having you here." Sarina said as she hugged him tightly back.

"I promised you I'd be here so I am. I wouldn't let you be near that crazy man without someone to protect you. I love you too damn much to see you hurt."

"Then you better want to be always around her. she won't win this." Her father said seriously

Sarina held on to Levi sadly as she looked to her father. Levi glared at him as he pulled Sarina closer to him.

"Screw off, you've done enough damage to your own daughter." Levi said coldly

"And what makes you think that you can protect her?"

"You aren't shit without your title, with this trial you aren't going to live anything down. No one will think twice about letting their children near you for beating on your own child." Levi said as he kept Sarina close to him.

"Ha! We'll see about that!"

As the jury went back to their places court was back in session. Levi stayed beside Sarina to keep her company as the head of the jury spoke up with a piece of paper in their hand.

"We've evaluated the entire situation between Mr. Bott and his daughter Ms. Bott and we find the defendant Mr. Bott Guilty of child abuse and as per the state of Trost he shall be stripped of his title as the CEO of the Bott company and the company and all of its works will go under the daughter of Mr. Bott." The head jury said seriously

"Then its settled Mr. Bott you are to serve life in jail as well as have your title stripped of you as of now. Case dismissed." The judge said as he slammed the hammer down.

Sarina couldn't believe what she was hearing but was more than happy to hear it. She looked to Levi and hugged him tightly before she kissed him happily on the lips. Levi wasn't expecting it but went with it. Sarina then thanked the lawyer and gave him a check to pay him for his work. Once they were out of the court house paparazzi were all around the front of the court house asking questions not only to her but to levi as well since he had opened up the family company once again.

"With the bott company under your control what will you do now?"

"Mr. Ackerman are you working with Miss Bott or is that a conspiracy theory?"

"Are the bott and Ackerman companies going to be working together from now on?"

"Is it true that you two are an item together?"

Neither one of them said anything as they went down the steps pushing away the many people in their way before Levi left with Sarina's around his torso. They both could still hear the many questions popping up from the journalist, but they both knew not to say anything until it was written in ink that they were in fact going to be working together. Which they had an appointment for after the case, so once they got to a different building the foundations for both companies spoke with the two about how the companies used to run which made both look to one another than to the people who spoke.

"We're running things now." Levi said seriously

"Which means we don't give two shits about what our parents did. What matters is how we run things from here on out." Sarina said seriously

Both foundations looked to the couple in shock. "Well excuse us for doing our job. So what are you two going to be doing now?"

Levi and Sarina looked to one another with a slight smirk on their faces. "You're fired get the hell out of here." They both said in unison

Taken back at what they said they just left without a word. Sarina then hugged him tightly and kissed him again on the lips. "So how are we going to do this?"

"easy...We're going to take this step by step and slowly form a place where the people can access what our companies produce everywhere."

"That doesn't sound as easy at all but I trust you. So I'll go with it." Sarina said with a grin

"I'm glad I have your trust. Now lets get the fuck out of here."

"Mhm, Alright."

Never alone again [Yandere! Levi Ackerman x oc] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now