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"I-I get it...No more teasing you unless I want to get fuck senseless...Damn you're rough with your partner." Sarina panted before she whined

He chuckled a bit before he made her look up at him. "This is what you get, I told you I wouldn't hold back on you and I kept to that did I not?" He said with a smirk

She whined again before she placed her head against the floor. "I tired and sweaty now, ugh...I don't even wanna get up but I have to." She whined

"Do you want me to help you?" Levi suggested

"Eh, if you want...I'll find the energy somewhere to get up." She said as she looked up to him

He thought about what she said and got up himself before he figured out that she had a bathroom off of her room. He got a bath running before he picked her up from the ground and placed her into the bathtub before she sighed contently

"This feels really nice Levi." Sarina said contently

"I figured, you're a sweaty mess. As much as I love you, I'm not going to be anywhere near you when you smell like shit." Levi said as he ran his hands through her hair.

She looked behind her to him. "Oh I figured that, but you know...I wonder how things will go from now on. With your families company and mine being co-oped now."

He wrapped his arms around her before he kissed her cheek. "We'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" He said softly before he began to wash her body as she leaned against him.

She allowed him to do so as she had her eyes closed. "I love you Levi." She sighed contently.

"Love you too brat. Now don't you dare fall asleep on me."

She opened one of her eyes and looked to him. "I'm not stupid. I'm not going to fall asleep in the bath tub you derp."

"Derp? What the fuck is a derp?" Levi asked as he rose an eyebrow at her

She laughed and smiled at his face expression towards her. "That!" She said laughing pointing to his face

He gave her a slight glare before he flicked her forehead. "Ha-ha brat."

She continued laughing before she turned herself to look at him before she placed her hands on his chest. "A derp is someone who doesn't know what they are doing and is a pain in the arse." She said with a grin

He sighed and shook his head. "You are a very strange woman Sarina."

"Oh I know and you're the one who wanted to be with me." She said before she stuck her tongue out at him

He couldn't object to that, he did want to be with her. Seeing her for the first time he found her highly attractive and unlike the other girls he had been with. She stuck out to him because of her nature to push people away from her. She knew just how to keep people away from her and being someone who knew how to do that all too well himself knew how to get that mentality out of her head.

He cupped her face in his hands before he kissed her and placed his forehead against hers "I know and I don't regret it. Without me around you, you wouldn't have anyone to help you with your father's business and you wouldn't feel as loved as you are with me. I know I am shitty when it comes to expressing myself, but I am trying."

She placed her hands over his with a smile. "Oh I know, I can tell from your eyes what you feel. We're two of a kind...aren't we Levi?"

"Got that shit straight brat. Now lets finish up here so we can sleep, I rather not be stuck in this all fucking day because of you."

She nodded her head before she kissed him back. Once they finished washing each other they dried off before cuddling closely with one another under one of Sarina's lighter blankets. Once asleep Sasha came into the room to check up on the two only to see the smiling face of Sarina against Levi's chest.

Sasha smiled herself as she saw how happy her best friend was, the smile wasn't fake like she was used to seeing on Sarina's face which was a good thing. Levi was actually doing something right for once and Sasha knew it too. Knowing that Levi was able to settle down and be with someone made Sasha think about the relationships she's had and went to go talk to someone she used to be with before being single.

As months went on after that Levi and Sarina both took on College lives and the life of being a company CEO. It was difficult for Sarina to deal with due to the fact that she hadn't ever really dealt with matters that she had. She had zero fashion sense and wore what she thought felt comfortable, not what looked right. That was just a bonus in her book. But with Levi by her side she was able to get past that mentality. Levi helped her understand certain fundamentals that she needed just to be where she was at, she knew for sure with Levi by her side that she wouldn't be out of a company. Levi on the other hand couldn't believe just how clueless his girlfriend was, he didn't think she was ready to be the CEO of a company, he knew she had voiced it once before but now seeing it for himself. He could agree with her that she wasn't the right person for the job.

He Knew that Marco had a thing for fashion, he was just scared of dealing with money and paper work that came along with it. He knew he had to figure out how to make Marco and Sarina see eye to eye. They needed to work together, Levi knew that now. As much as Sarina was good at handling money and was good with negotiations, he didn't believe that she was the right person to take on the company on...her brother on the other hand. He was another story all together.

So one night when Sarina went out to see a chick flick with Sasha Levi went out to talk to Marco, he met up with him at a spot that wouldn't be awkward for both of them...a bar. He sat beside Marco and he got a drink before he looked to Marco.

"You need to talk sense into your sister, she needs you Marco. The company is stressing her out to the point she isn't herself anymore." Levi said before he took a sip of the drink

"She made it clear she wants nothing to do with me." Marco said with a sigh

"You just need to get through her stubborn head. She needs you as much as I know you need her. You just need to stop being cold around her. Your her fucking brother for damn sake start acting it. You're supposed to be the one protecting her from bull shit not causing it for her."Levi said seriously

Marco looked down at his own cup and sighed. "I guess I can try. But I don't think that she'll be all that welcoming. You saw how she treated me the last time I tried to talk to her."

"I did and its why I am talking to you personally now. You two need to work together, you deal with the core of the work while she does the investments and shit. She has not fucking idea what she's doing and seeing her stressing over it saddens me because I know she's trying her hardest to do what she thinks is best."

Marco sighed once more and he looked to Levi. "I can't get out of this can I?"

"No, you left your sister this long, I'm not letting you get away with it anymore. Once you told me just who your sister was you have no idea how pissed off I was to know that you just left her like you did. I realize you were scared of taking over your families cooperation but that doesn't mean you have to be a wuss about it with your tail between your legs. You need to grow the fuck up and live the life you know you need to live with your sister. She needs her brother there for her and there isn't anyone out there that can take your place. Whether you fucking want to or not you're going to have to deal with your sister." Levi said seriously.

Marco rubbed between his eyes and hung his head. "Tomorrow I'll make myself known to her once more. But you're going to have to help me convince her Levi. I can't do this alone."

"No shit, You don't think I know this already? I'm very much aware that my girlfriend is a stubborn brat, you don't need to tell me that."

Marco scoffed a bit "I still can't believe that after all these years of her protesting that she wouldn't ever date someone she ends up with you."

"You realize that there was someone else with her before me, I just got lucky getting to her afterwards."

Marco rose an eyebrow at Levi. "You don't say...how come she didn't stay with the first one?"

"The bastard left her for dead for a preppy ass brat with no class or smarts. She is actually better off without that asshole, he was just using her until he got to Petra."

Marco stayed quiet for awhile before he pushed the cup away from him. "My sis does need me...I can't keep her waiting anymore."

Never alone again [Yandere! Levi Ackerman x oc] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now