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Both of them shook off the initial shock before they both surrounded Levi. "I had a feeling you were watching Ackerman, you were next on our list. Doing this now will make our job easier." Jean said before they both launched at him.

Levi rolled to the side and made both of them knock into one another. He then quickly got both electric rods from the males and threw them to the side before he tied the two together and he got his girlfriend down. Sarina leaned against him weakly as she held on to him.

"I knew...You'd come for me Levi."

"Of course I would you brat. but you're never getting out of my sight from now on. You wouldn't mind if I just so happened to kill these two idiots for harming you would you?"

Sarina looked to him sadly and she held on to him a bit tighter. "Not in front of me please."

"I hear no objections. But I understand that you don't want to be even more scarred. So I'm taking you somewhere safe and I'm coming back here."

She nodded her head sadly. "O-Okay."

She was then given a piggy back ride to his motor bike and he drove her to his friend Farlan's place where he had him and his girlfriend Isabel watch on her while he went back to the warehouse. When he got back to the warehouse the two were just waking up.

"What the fuck?! I thought you said you didn't leave any evidence you dope!" Jean yelled

" I thought I didn't! I don't know how he found us!" Marco said sadly

"Ugh! Now we're going to have to re-find her!" Jean growled angered

"Not on my watch you two aren't. I m going to make you two suffer for what you two have done not only to my girlfriend but to Sasha as well." Levi said said as he got his pocket knife out of his pocket. "I'll make this as painful as I can."

Levi gave both males a sinister smirk as he cut them both free. "Run."

Both immediately went for the door only to find it locked. Levi got one of the electrical rods and held it in one hand as he had his knife in the other. "You two aren't getting away with touching and harming two women who don't deserve to get hurt." Levi said as he turned the electrical rod on.

They both panicked as they saw Levi slowly getting closer to them.

"Where the hell do we go?!" Marco asked Jean

"Like I fucking Know?!" Jean said as he looked around the warehouse and chose to go to the right.

Marco saw where he was going and went to the left and Levi followed Marcos movements first. Levi was foolish to believe that out of nowhere that Marco would want to be near his sister and want her to give him back the company. Sarina was right on to not trust him, he knew from then on to trust the instincts of his girlfriend. She really knew how to read people, and he had to give her props for it.

He saw where he was going and he gracefully threw his knife straight at Marco's eye making him scream out in pain as he fell to his knees. Levi went up to him and pulled the knife out and stabbed his other eye out.

"You disgust me. You use your sister and for what? Some stupid bull shit that won't ever happen. I'm going to make sure you and Jean are unrecognizable when I get done with the both of you." Levi said coldly as he took the electrical rod and he stabbed it down on to Marco's right arm making him scream out in pain.

Jean could hear the screams of Marco and was going to ambush him from behind. But seeing his best friend being killed limb by limb made him have second thoughts about it. He and Marco were part of an operation that Erwin and Hanji came up with years ago. Little by little they gathered other people that they knew that hated the big CEO groups and made a plan to take each one down one by one.

Never alone again [Yandere! Levi Ackerman x oc] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now