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Once the trio was back home Sarina finally spoke up since her brother and Levi were talking on the way home.

"Levi the next time you leave me how you did I swear I'll have you sleep elsewhere for a month!'" Sarina said annoyed

Levi stopped walking and he looked directly to the brunette woman seriously. Levi could see how annoyed and pissed off that Sarina looked but didn't seem all that fazed about the fact that he had pissed her off.

"You wouldn't dare do that."

"I will, I hate being like that." She said Angered as well as sadden with fear.

He said nothing as he heard her voice.

"Before you and Marco were able to get me...Those guys...They used me. Its why I was so against it...its why i was begging you to stop. Please understand this Levi...I'm not the best person out there mentally. What happened to me scared me. I thought that i was going to be killed." She said sadly

Hearing the words from his girlfriend made his blood boil, he was glad he was able to kill those bastards otherwise he would have then for even having the though of touching his beloved girlfriend. Levi went up to her and he pulled her into him wrapping his arms around her body as he felt her crying against his chest.

"I-I was so scared...what they did hurt Levi. I have nightmares about that night...I can't get it out of my mind." She said as she held on to his shirt tightly

"Its going to be alright, you aren't going to be hurt anymore." Levi said as he attempted to comfort his girlfriend.

"Sis, Levi and I are here to make sure that you aren't ever hurt again." Marco said seriously

"You're not going to leave again....are you?" Sarina asked Marco

"Hell no, not when I know there is someone out there who's killing women. I know I ran off before because I didn't want to take over the company but I have nothing else to live for. I'm here for you sis 110%."

Sarina smiled as she buried her face against Levi's chest. "That's good. I'm getting tired now."

"Hold on to me Rina." Levi said as he looked down to her.

She did as he asked and he picked her up before taking her to her room where he set her down on her bed. The two males then spoke in her room to keep an eye out on her while she slept. Not knowing just how anyone would try to get to her. After three hours Sarina woke up and she crawled to the end of her bed where she lied her head against the side of Levi as he continued to speak to Marco about how to deal with the job that the three of them were going to be dealing with.

After a few minutes all three of them heard a crashing noise from outside the room. Sarina held on to Levi tightly and he looked to her seriously. "Stay here with your brother, don't for any reason come out of here. do you understand me?"

She frowned but nodded her head. "Yes Levi."

Levi got up and he left the room with his knife in hand after getting it from Sarina's side table. Levi was quiet and kept his back to the wall as he heard two male voices.

"You sure this is the right place sir?"

"Yes, We get the girl and kill the other two."

Levi moved back from the entrance and he hid in a small area before he launched himself at one of the two people who came to grab his girlfriend. He knocked the male out before doing the same to the other. He dragged the bodies into the lighted living room to see that they were two people he knew from his old work place.

"Erwin Smith and Eren Yeager...Why am I not surprised? Well looks like you two are going to jail." Levi said as he tied the two together.

he then called the police on the two of them and he kept his eyes on them until the police showed up. Afterwards he went to go check up on Sarina and Marco only to not see them in the room. He furrowed his eyebrows as he saw a note on her night stand.

Never alone again [Yandere! Levi Ackerman x oc] Modern AuWhere stories live. Discover now