┊: ❝ An Enemies' Waltz .

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This is a oneshot written by me and my close friend 2 years ago, so I decided to edit a lot of use of words and show it to you Frussia fans c:

Characters: FEMALE!Russian Empire, FEMALE!First French EMPIRE.



(Before you read, I would like to point out something very important that you must know!! This is BEFORE a the treaty of Tilsit! That means France isn't in love with Russia yet. And just so you know, the tsar irl or any Russian noble would always visit Paris for ballrooms and many other reasons. So that's why France isn't really surprised finding her own enemy from the coalition in HER city since Russia had always visited even before the French Revolution.)

"You look decent tonight."

Five seconds. They had been dancing around the grand ballroom for a good five seconds. Five seconds of sweet silence before the French Empire opened her mouth and decided to speak.

"Decent," The tsarina in her huge velvet and black gown repeats France's words mockingly yet also jokingly, scoffing bitterly. "Sadly can't say the same about you."

How was it that France could ask the best guest in her ballroom to dance and the first thing she decided to do was insult her? What a villain.

"That tongue is as sharp as ever, I see. Tell me," France smirked- wearing her general uniform instead of a dress unlike the old days of being a monarchy- turning the tall Russian in a graceful swoop. "How do you expect to ever find a lover who'll marry you with an attitude like that?"

She narrowed her eyes in scrutiny. "Is a lover all that defines me, or any monarchy for that matter?"

"No, not at all," She replied. And it wasn't simply to reassure her.

In fact, she couldn't care less if she'd offended her- she didn't care about anyone but herself at that time. As much as the Russian Empire didn't like how much had France changed after the revolution, she knew the French - unlike many others - believed that Russians were capable all on their own. It was one of the many views they shared in common.

The shorter Empire glanced up at the taller woman and caught her eyes with a smirk. And the tsarina was reminded of all the (little) things they did not have in common. How she has a love-hate feeling for that sly, self-confident smile.

Then, the French woman leaned in so close Russia could smell her sweet, subtle scent of roses and feel her warm breath against her neck. Chills ran through the Russian when she whispered in a deep voice, "But you do need someone to keep your temper in check, mademoiselle." - She smirked against her ear - "Of course, I'd be happy to keep an eye on you myself."

Russia didn't know if she was to blush or groan.

"It's a shame that your good looks are wasted on a person as irritating as yourself."

France chuckled at that and pulled away to put a hand over her own chest, eyes wide in mock surprise. "Alas, you've finally opened your eyes to see what a beautiful country I am. I'm honoured, my dear!" She exclaimed, completely ignoring the part where the taller nation thought she was irritating. "I take it that you're finally attracted to me?"

She tried to suppress the heat she could feel was rising to her face. Was she actually flustered by this?

In all honesty, she was already attracted to France ever since they first met in 1717. That's why Russia has so much French culture in her nation and the Russians even speak more French than Russian!

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