┊: ❝ The iRabbit . ꒰ CRACK ꒱

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DISCLAIMER!! Might be offensive/racist to some of you! I swear I did not intend to do that, but you know countries are always racist towards each other-? So again, I apologize! This is just for entertainment purposes only! I get bullied by foreigners for my accent too so if you get offended just remember that I was too-

BTW! I will be writing the accents here to make this funnier- but don't worry, I added "translations" near if it's hard to read and understand what they're trying to say.

~Gift for my dearest friend @A_Peacock <3 (I'm sorry if you found this offensive, my humor is not so bright-)~

Characters: fem!France, male!Russia, fem! India, male! Italy, male! Spain, and fem! UK.

Time: Present


The setting sun cast a vibrant orange hue over the horizon as Russia and France trekked the path back to their home after a long early morning shopping. The French held a large box in her hands - written in English: 'Made in India', and the Russian couldn't help but be curious about the contents. His eyebrows furrowed in thoughtful silence, his attention drawn to her with every step they took.

"Qu'est-ce que tu as là? (What have you got there?)" His voice was smooth but carried an edge of curiosity.

"La boîte? (The box?)" France laughed lightly. She looked at the box in her hands, the soft white packaging paper that had long since lost its crispness and shine but made no move to unwrap the contents. "Juste un petit quelque chose que j'attendais, (Just a little something I've been waiting for,)" she replied, her smile brightening the already joyful environment. "J'me suis dit que j'allais attendre qu'on puisse l'ouvrir ensemble, tu ne crois pas que ce serait plus amusant? (I thought I'd wait until we could open it together, don't you think that would be more fun?)"

"Cela semble merveilleux. (That sounds wonderful.)" Russia smiled, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. The two continued their walk back to their home, occasionally exchanging glances or quiet words. The Russian felt his mind wandering, imagining what it was that was inside the box that had France so excited and eager to share the happiness with him. It had been a long morning of shopping, that was for sure - but it seemed that nothing could dampen this pair's spirits, not even the most trivial of things.

Soon enough, the two made it back to France's home, opening the door and taking a breath as they stepped inside. France's face lit up as she set the square box on the table, her movements quick and graceful. Russia immediately noticed her enthusiasm, his own face filling with a wide grin.

The two of them sat on the couch in front of the box that was on the coffee table, the only sound heard between the two of them was their shared laughter as they looked at each other with sparkling eyes. After a few moments of sharing that pleasant silence, they began opening the box together.

When they opened the box, inside was a strange figure of a small fluffy rabbit.

Russia raises a skeptical brow and glances at France with slight annoyance. "Un. . .jouet? (A. . .toy?)" He sighs. France and her lavish spendings on such useless things again. . .

The tall slav scrunched up his face, looking at the cute little creature with a bit of confusion. He didn't quite understand the purpose of the rabbit-like thing- was it more of a cute novelty, like a toy, or did it serve a greater purpose than that?

France scowled at his skepticism, seeming offended by his implication that it was useless or simply a plaything. "C'est un animal numérique personnel - c'est comme Alexa! (It's a personal digital animal - it's like Alexa!)" She explained, her voice carrying a bit of bitterness at his dismissal.

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