┊: ❝ The seats are empty. The theatre is dark. Why do you keep acting?

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DISCLAIMER!! Tbh, idk- One-sided love I guess-? ALSO, VERY VERY SHORT.

Characters: fem!Kingdom of France and fem!Tsardom of Russia.


18th century.

The shadow of her solitary silhouette waltzed amidst this echoing void. The Tsardom of Russia, veiled in the darkness of the opera of Paris, moved with grace, in an ethereal dance for an absent audience.

Her steps painted a delicate narrative, her words told a nostalgic tale, a silent plea. She was the sole actress, tirelessly rehearsing in the solitude of this dormant stage, reenacting steps once covered in applause.

Unbeknownst to her, a presence stirred. A spectral figure, draped in the allure of bygone eras, materialized beside her. The nation of the opera, an enigmatic presence, the Kingdom of France, stood fascinated, observing her with curious intensity as she queried, "The seats are empty. The theatre is dark. Why do you keep acting?"

France's voice tinged with melancholy shattered the delicate tranquility.

"I was born for this, to perform. What else is there for me to do? Tell me, sleep perhaps? How could I when my dream is so real?" Russia replies, her fragile voice delicately floating in the air.

The French watched her in admiration. "But why here, alone in the silence of the night, no audience, no instructor?" she asked, veiled by the nostalgia.

The Slavic woman paused, turning towards the shorter nation, her golden eyes sparkling like stars amidst the darkness. "Because, of all the spectators, you're the only one I desire to impress."

The French Kingdom was stunned by this answer. She was the only spectator to make a difference in the Russian's performance. But was that enough? The shorter nation had to know. "You say I'm the only spectator you aspire to impress, but I wonder: Is your stage not too small? Don't you want to bring your dance of grace and words of nostalgia out to a grander audience? To a larger theater filled with many spectators?"

The Tsardom giggles. "But who do you suppose my true spectator is, in the end?" She smirks, "In my world of grander dreams and larger theatres, who of all the spectators has caught my attention?" She asks the Kingdom, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"You, my dear France, have caught my attention. The way you look at me, the way you gaze, as if you're the most marvelous sight the world has produced. The other spectators are just cardboard cutouts in comparison." She took one step closer to the Western European, and continued in a low voice. "But you have piqued my interest, and now it is time for you to catch my heart, my idol."

France smirks back, taking Russia's hand lovingly. "Then let the show begin."

The Russian's eyes darted up and down the shorter nation's gorgeous figure, letting out a small chuckle. "You are right, the show MUST begin." She pulls France close, until their mouths were only inches apart. "But before this act, I have one question. . ."

The Tsardom of Russia stepped even closer, so that her breath could be felt on the shorter monarchy's lips. "A question, my dear, about a performance of another kind." She tilted her head to one side, raising one eyebrow as she did so. "In the theatre of life, whose role will you have? Will you be a leading character, or a supporting one? Because, my dear, I want to see you star in my play, and I have just ONE role available."

She takes a deep breath, her words lingering in the air between them for a few seconds. "I want you to play the role of my soulmate, my lover, my partner. . ."

Her words were like honey, dripping with sweet romance.

She moved closer again, placing her hands on the shorter ruler's cheeks, their breath combining into something even more tantalizing. "There is no leading part more tempting than the role of a lover. So tell me, France, who are you going to play for me?"

The Kingdom of France melted under her gaze, her heart fluttering with excitement and adoration for the woman in front of her. Playing a show? In a quiet theatre? Only the two of them? She finds that exciting. But she was not aware that Russia is. . .hinting to a lot more than just a play. In fact, Russia knows that France does not believe in love. . .yet. She just still hasn't found the right one. . .

"I cannot resist playing such a tempting role in your play. I will be your leading lady, your partner, and your romantic interest." France leaned forward, their eyes locked in a burning gaze of admiration.

"Let us put on the greatest play the world can see," her voice was a soft whisper. "And let us create a scene that can never be forgotten."




Okay. . .I guess I'm kinda proud of this-? Idk- Better than the other things I write, right-?

Anyways, this was inspired by a classical music playlist- I swear all my motivation is saved by classical music LOL-

Also, here is the explanation for you guys who didn't understand what I meant by "one-sided love": Okay, so, Russia fell in love with France in 1717, meanwhile France fell in love with Russia in 1807. And this is the 18th century, meaning 1700s. Kingdom of France never believed in love - because basically, France was isolated throughout the entire history(until 1807) so we never had friends or foreign lovers. So, like Russia said, she just hasn't found the right one yet.


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