chapter 5 guitar 🎸

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Pete : then leave me alone even in college

Vegas : (I won't leave you ever ) no I can't leave you alone

Pete looks at Vegas

Vegas pov
I want to wipe Pete's tears bt i don't want to scare him and touch him without his permission now, I wanted to win his heart bt I've already made him cry
Yesterday he was so strong bt I didn't know he has a sensitive side I should treat him well
Then vegas looks at an old guitar with broken strings lying on wardrobe he quickly goes to it and fetches it

Pete : leave it don't touch it I'll kill you if you break it

Vegas quickly took guitar strings from his bag and tried to fix it in a couple of minutes he adjusted the strings

Pete : I said leave and leave my guitar

Then vegas began to sing


I have never in my life seen someone so pretty
Whose eyes are as deep as ocean
Whose lips are as pink as cherries
He's like a fresh sunlight in my life
He's like the first rain after scorching summer
He's like the warmth in a coldy winter night
When he smiles flowers boom
When he cries my heart wrenches

Oh what have you done !! I'm becoming totally yours

(I know the song might not be good bt I tried 😗😗)

After the song pete comes to vegas and asks in his breaking voice

Pete : how did you fix my guitar? Nobody could fix it even shopkeepers were unable to do it so I was not using it

Vegas : it's a piece of cake I'm expert in these instruments

Pete glare at vegas

Vegas : ok ok I've played many types of guitar so I'm quite accused to it , can I ask you a question?

Pete : you're already asking

Vegas : then can I ask you three questions

Pete : hmm

Vegas : can you forgive me ? I was just playing with you, I had no intention to hurt you I'm sorry ,and why do you have this old guitar? Can you be my friend?

Pete : emm I can forgive you bt I don't be friends this soon , you've to earn my friendship and this guitar belongs to my papa I found it in attic when I was small bt my uncle wanted to get rid of it bt I've kept it as it's the only memory of my father

Vegas : (this little person he's so adorable,ok vegas u want to win his heart so first take slow steps ) okkk I'll really be good to you, you can call me vegas , don't call me sir from now on

Pete : as if I would call you so , bt vixen sounds better to me then vegas

Vegas lookes annoyingly at pete

Pete : ok ok I'll call you vegas

Vegas: let's go to college then freshen up yourself

Pete : ok I'll be back

Pete comes back picks up his old guitar and then head out of the house

Vegas : take my helmet wear it

Pete : if I take it what will you wear?

Vegas : I'll be okay bt I'm worried about you

Pete : (ass****) I'm not a kid I don't want it

Vegas takes the helmet and fixes on Pete's head

Vegas : I know bt I need to take care of you since you're precious,hope on

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