chapter 8 ⚠️ Father

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Violence ahead tw

Vegas calls pete and shakes him, it's like pete was there physically bt mentally he is somewhere else

Ron comes smirking and looks at pete and vegas

Ron : looks like this bast*** learnt a lesson for flirting with my vegas

Vegas gets up, Bill holds pete vegas aggressively holds Ron and starts hitting him

Ron : what are you doing vegas for this bast**** leave me

Vegas : how dare you do this to pete? You know this was the last memory of his father

Hearing this Ron shocked, yes he wanted to hurt pete bt not like this

Ron : pete
Vegas punch and kicks him aggressively Ron falls down, when he was about to kick him , he's stopped by pete who holds him arm

Vegas : pete,why did you stop me ?

Pete : please don't hit him vegas

Vegas :(panting) bt you can see what he did, why are you doing this? Let me break his bones today

Pete : no vegas no .... Please don't

Vegas : why (holds him tighter )? Is he above your parents (possesive vegas coming out ), let me just

Pete : (shouts) he is my childhood friend vegas

Vegas  and Bill looked at him shocked

Vegas : pete

Pete : yes he's my childhood friend, I don't want to see him getting hurt ,let's leave

Vegas : bt pete!!!

Pete : vegas, I'm telling you let's go .... I don't want to stay here

Vegas holds pete and they both walked out leaving Ron looking at them in deep thoughts

Someone: Ron Dean called you in his chamber!!!!!......

Vegas: pete let's go home ,I'll drop you... I can't leave you like this

Pete : no vegas leave me alone for sometime I want to be alone...

Vegas : ask anything bt not that ,and I'm not leaving you alone never

Pete try to resist bt vegas toss him on his shoulder and takes him to parking area

Pete : vegas ,what are you doing? Everyone is Looking,leave me I can walk

Vegas : let everyone know you are booked!!! (Tightens his hold)

Finally they reach near vegas bike

Vegas : wear this we're going to my house, champ and Eddy will bring your bike

Pete: I can go to my house... I ( sobs).. can take care of myself

Vegas : pete don't argue otherwise I'll tie and take you

Pete : (oh no ) okkay I'll go ... But don't tie me

Vegas ruffled Pete's hair and They both ride towards vegas's house,the whole ride they were silent finally they reach the destination where Vegas's father was already in home

Vegas : paa I'm home...

Zeal: welcome my baby , oh my who's this handsome boy? Vegas is he your boyfriend

Pete blushed hearing this

Pete : sawas dee krap uncle, I'm not his bf... We're just friends

Vegas : yes , he's soon to be

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