chapter 7 Hug 🤗

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So here we're with a new chapter, I hope you all like my story

Pete : vegas , I .... Was just .....

Vegas : you'll be ok just wait and looks at his lips

Pete : (is he going to to kisssss kisssss me ) exhales slowly and close his eyes

Bt to his shock vegas took out his handkerchief and wipes his lips end

Vegas : why have you applied so much lip balm, don't tell me you like the way I applied makeup on you the first day (chuckles)

Pete : opens his eyes (frowns) I was in a hurry so I didn't notice

Vegas : or do you want something else (smirks)

Pete :(blushes) and pushes vegas , comeon let's do project

They work for some time then they here a knock

Steve : hia have dinner, comeon both of you, it's already 10

Pete : coming

Vegas : I should leave now

Pete : no no let's have dinner I've prepared food , you can't leave without eating

Vegas : do you know cooking?

Pete : yes I cook everyday since uncle goes for work and Steve was so small so I've been cooking Since I was little

Vegas : (perfect wife material) okay if you insist ( finally I got to have a taste from Pete's hands )

They both head towards dining hall only to see Sean leaving ( after the incident Sean and Pete's uncle became friends, they occasionally visit each other)

Pete : sawas dee uncle

Sean : pete , my boy how have you been my baby?

Pete : I'm fine uncle, how about you?

Sean : I'm good Lil one, I heard you and Ron study in same college, why don't you knock some sense into him?

Pete : yes uncle we are in the same college, he' lill aggresive uncle bt he's a nice chap

Vegas glares at pete shocked

Sean : yeah whatever by the way who's this handsome lad ?

Pete : he's vegas uncle he's my friend

Vegas : sawas dee uncle

Sean : sawas dee young man, take care of pete he's too precious, then I shall take leave hope to see you all again ,good night

Pete blushes : good night uncle

Max : pete I'm going to sleep make sure vegas had his dinner

Pete : ok uncle I'll

Max : vegas it's already late, why don't you stay here, it's not safe for you to go alone

Steve : yes hia you can stay in hia's room (smirks)

Pete: (panics bt they are right it's late , he can't let vegas go alone, since a night before they were attacked) em vegas can you stay here ??

Vegas : no it's ok uncle I can go home alone there's nothing to be scared

Max : em okay bt hope you change your mind ,good night all of you

Steve and Max went to their room,pete and vegas dig on their foods

Vegas : emm yummy I've never ate so tasty curry before, I want to kiss the hands of the chef

Pete :(blushes) oh the curry,it was ordered from outside, should I take you to the restaurant

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