Chapter 2

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I woke up late as hell . It was nearly 2 in the afternoon . I got dressed then I left out for the mall. I wanted to buy something new tonight. Something sexy and different. Krissy texted me to remind me that she would be coming over around 9 to get ready for the party .
I walked into my favorite store . Everyone greeted me as I walked in
"hey jhené, what you looking for today ? something special ? " said Luke , one of the workers here
" Im going to like a really umm.. how do I say this a really big , nice party . It's at the lure so I'm trying to find something really nice. like sexy chic with a little bit of jhené. "
" you're going to that j.cole party ?? the one tonight? " Luke asked me
"yeah , me and bestfriend are going "
" no wayyyy . how'd you get invited? " he asked while going through the racks.
" a friend of ours " I lied.
" Damn I wish my friends was balling like that " he laughed.
" Here try this . This fits you perfect . "
It was a black laced bra top and a floral skirt . I went in the dressing room and tried it on .
" Oooo yesss jhené. " Luke said as I walked out of the dressing room
" this and some cute accessories, you'll be stunning tonight , trust me "
I smiled . " Okay , I'll take it "
He took me to the cash register and rung me up.
" don't forget to take pictures with Cole's fine ass , I definitely wanna see that " he said as he handed me my bag
I rolled my eyes and laughed " sure luke "

I stayed out until around 8. Once I finally went home I seen Krissy waiting on my porch . " Damn né , you couldn't have took any longer "
" gee sorry , if I would've knew you were gonna be here , I would've came home earlier. " I said as I unlocked my front door. " Yeah , Yeah " Krissy said as she followed me in the house . " so what you gonna wear ? " I asked her
" I have a black dress , and I'm gonna wear some red lipstick and some bad heels. What're you gonna wear ? "
" you'll see . " I gave her a smirk as I went upstairs. " Well whatever you do try not to take forever . We getting there on time this time " She said .

"seriously jhené wtf is taking you so long " she said against the bathroom door. " I have one last piece of hair to straighten, relax child . " A few moments later I was finally finished with my hair . I went downstairs to let Krissy know I was done.
" Okay Jhené I see youuuu " she said while examining my outfit .
" Ready ? " I asked her
" You know it "

There were tons and tons of people standing outside of this club . I never seen this many people trying to get into a club before . " Names " The bouncer at the door said . " our names ? " I said
" yes . your names . If you're not on the list , then no entrance . You can stand out here like everyone else who tried to get in.
" Well we got personally invited so we're coming in this club " Krissy said with her hand on her hip
" well miss , if you're name is on the list I'll be more than happy to let you in. If not then beat it . "
" Nah man , they with me " J came out of the blue . " Well why didn't you just say so mr. Cole " the bouncer chuckled . He opened the red rope and let us in. "Hey ladies . Glad you could make it. Enjoy yourself , we got drinks at the bar , a lounge area , music , everything. Just have fun "
" Im about to take a quick trip to the ladies room. " Krissy said to me . I nodded as she walked away
" you want a drink ? " he asked me
" um sure , I'll take one "
we walked over to the bar and we got two seats on the corner . "what can I get you two tonight? "
" Yeah , we would like two vieux carrés"
" I'm sorry , I'm so rude , I didn't ask what your name was " he shook his head . "It's fine " I smiled " It's Jhené "
" Well it's really nice to see you again .. miss jhené " he sipped his drink
" Im just about to me dead honest with you . Yesterday at the concert , when I first seen you in the crowd I just couldn't stop glancing your way . But I had to stay focus , you know . And when I seen you and your friend in the line backstage , I was just like damn there she go again . Im not the type to get into fans or anything but I couldn't let you slip away . I just had to see you again . and now you're here" he bit his bottom lip and smiled.
" really ?" I could feel how hard I was blushing
He chuckled as he rubbed his chin
" yeah I know , some rapper nigga trying to butter you up and shit . But this is more than that . I want more of you.. Jhené " He looked me in the eyes , it felt like he sucked my soul out.
" Im not a big fan of clubs and stuff. My management set this up. But um, you wanna get out of here ? Only if you want . " He said
" yeah . Im fine with that . But I have to let my friend know. " I said
" alright . do your thing ma "
I got up and walked to where Krissy was sitting . She was talking to some dude. " kris , I need to talk to you " I sat beside her . " what is it né , everything good? . ". "yeah everything is fine . I can't believe this just happened Cole.. he basically just told me how he noticed me at the concert and stuff and how he couldn't stop looking at me and now he wants to take me somewhere like ... this is crazy kris. "
" jhené ... oh my god. the one and only J Cole is into my jhené .. WHAT?! oh my god girl go and enjoy him , I want all the details later . " she said
" Okay I will " i smirked . I got up and went to find Cole .
" Okay I'm ready " . " Alright , but we gotta leave out the back . I don't have time for paparazzi and stuff "

He opened the door for me as I got in his all black matte Benz
" this is nice " i said looking around
" yeah , something simple . So where you wanna go . I can take you to my hotel. but not like that trust me " he laughed . " it's whatever you want " I said as I looked at him .

We arrived at four seasons hotel . He escorted me into his room. " make yourself at home . The bathrooms down the hall , it's wine in the kitchen , and the TV is right there . Im about go change . I'll be back in sec. "
I sat on the couch as I watched him walk to the bedroom. I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of wine . I literally looked everywhere but I couldn't find not one wine glass .
I went to knock on his bedroom door.
He opened the door . All he had on was his jeans . His body was godly . I had to get ahold of myself and remember what I came to ask him. " um .. where .. where are the wine glasses . I didn't see any "
" they're in the bottom cabinet , in a box for some reason . here lemme get them for you . " he went in the kitchen and grabbed two wine glasses and sat them on the table . " need anything else ? " he asked me before he went back to his room. " no im fine this was all I needed " I poured some wine in both glasses and waiting for him to come out. He just put on some sweats and a t-shirt . We both grabbed our glasses and sat on the couch .
I started to sip my drink then I caught him starring at me. " what'd I do ? " I said . " what you mean " he laughed
" you were looking at me like I did something "
" my bad . you're just like ... beautiful . like really . I want to know everything about you , well all that you want me to know" he scooted closer to me .
" Like what ? " I asked him
" Anything .. I want to know your story , where you come from , what you want in life , all that."
" well my name is Jhené, Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo. Im the youngest of 5 children . I was born and raised in LA , slauson hills to be exact . And I love music .. everything about it .what I want in life is to become the artist that I've always dreamed of becoming. Music is in my blood , and that's all I want . "
" so you're into music ? I knew something was special about you . You sing , right ? "
" yeah " .
" lemme hear something "
"now ? " i asked him . " Yeah , unless you scared " he raised an eyebrow
" well I'll sing something quick for you , you heard of stop this train ? "
he smiled " yeah , John Mayer . I love that song . "
I started singing
"No I'm not color blind
I know the world is black and white
I try to keep an open mind
But I just can't sleep on this tonight
Stop this train
I want to get off and go home again
I can't take the speed it's moving in
I know I can't
But honestly, won't someone stop this train.. "
he sat silent for a second.
" wow . That's was beautiful your voice , it's .. wow . I want to know what's not beautiful about you. "
" I mean , we all have our flaws don't we ? " I said . " yeah but I'm still looking for yours "
I folded my legs and turned on the couch so I was facing him.
" Jermaine, I can call you Jermaine right ? " . He nodded his head
" well , Jermaine . what do you want from me . like you can have any girl in the world , you're jcole, but you're coming after me ? what is it ? " I waited for his response
" Jhené, it's not like that at all . I see something in you , you don't see that in a lot of these girls today. You're different and I love that a lot . Like I just met you yesterday and all but even now as I look at you , like I feel something. It's unexplainable. "
" im glad that you see something different in me , and im glad I see that something in you too .. " I said
"yeah.. " he said while looking around
" it's getting a little late , I should be heading home now " I said
" why so soon ? " he sat up in his seat
" Don't you have to leave early tomorrow? I don't want to be a bother to you " . " It's fine trust me " he said while resting his hand on my thigh
" alright how about this , I want you and your friend to come to my concert in Vegas tomorrow , I'll pay for the flights and hotel you don't have to worry about anything " . " Really ?? you don't have to do that " I said trying to make it sound like it didn't want him to . " it's my treat , just let me do this for you , it's cool ma " he chuckled
" Alright then , im up for it "
" alright cool , cool. " he handed me his phone
" put your number in so I can call you tomorrow to let you know when we're ready to go " he said
I took his phone and put my number in. I put it under " jhené 🌻 "
" my friend texted me and said she's outside. " I said as I got up off the couch
" okay , let me walk you down " he said as he slipped his shoes on.
We walked downstairs and I seen Krissy waiting in the car outside the hotel. " there she is " I pointed to where she was parked .
" alright I'll see you tomorrow " . " yeah just text me " I said. I stood there for a second then I started to walk towards krissy's car . Jermaine sucked his teeth . " so a nigga don't get no hug or nothing " . " my bad " I walked back towards him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and gently squeezed me . He let go after like 5 seconds . Then gave me a slight but subtle smile .


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