Chapter 9

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Jermaine POV

" Nah , I haven't spoken to her in almost a month now . It's like we have minor convos through text but it hasn't been anything serious . It just hasn't been the same . "

" Jermaine you done fucked up. " said Ib

" I know . " I said as I took a swig of Hennessy

" you let your pride get in the way . How you sit there and let your so called girlfriend aka the mother of your child walk away from you. Like you literally let her walk out the door man. That ain't cool ."

" man honestly I don't know what the fuck to do. I don't even know what we doing . Like if we still dating , or what.. " I said

" Look J , you gotta man up for this child . And for your girl . You over here mopping around when you could easily hit her up . You need her , she needs you . Simple . So stop acting like a bitch. "  said Ib

" yeah man .. I guess " I said as I rubbed my chin.

As I pulled out my phone from my pocket , Indya came out from one of the back rooms smoking a blunt .
"baby , how longer are we gonna be here?" she said while wrapping her arms around my neck.
" I'm going to be here for a while because I got shit that needs to be done . " I said while dialing jhené's number .
" seriously? " she said while letting go of my neck with an attitude.
" yes seriously." I said as I held the phone up to my ear waiting for jhené to answer.

I sat there and After only two rings , she answered.
" J ? " she said in her soft , calming voice.
"yeah ... hey , what's up . "
" everything ." she said , changing her tone of voice
" I'm sorry jhené. I'm sorry for everything. I guess I kind of panicked and then took everything out on you. I just didn't have the balls to speak to you or stop you . And I understand we need each other . So I'm ready to stop fooling around for real jhené. I need to be there with you every step. I have to " I said in one breathe .
" I figured you were sorry. And I'm sorry for going off on you . It just really hurt me that you said that . And maybe I overreacted a little and we could've talked it out instead of me coming at you . but um im ready to do this Jermaine .. "
" yeah me too. I'm ready. " I said

I looked over at Indya who had a stale look on her face .  " Yeah so I'll stop by sometime soon today if that's fine with you. So we can catch up and stuff. Just let me know ight? "

" Okay . That's fine . See you then. " she said
" Alright . Bye "

I hung up my phone then tugged it in my pocket .  " What was that for huh?" I said to Indya as she still glanced at me from the other side of the room.

"oh nothing .. " she said as she got up and walked off.

" nigga first thing you should do is drop her . why you still got her around . " Ib said

" what you mean. we ain't together.. " I tried to explain

" y'all may not be official and stuff but I know y'all fucking . J, I know you too well "

" look. I tried to drop her . honestly man . her ass just won't leave . and with me and jhene basically taking our little break or whatever that caused her to be more on me . like she been knocking at my door everyday fam. she too attached . I ain't tell her about the baby yet though .. "

" what you mean you haven't told her about the baby . it's going on a month and you haven't mention you got a baby on the way ? tell her . she gonna find out sooner or later. and maybe that will let her know her place. "  Ib said as he worked on something on his MacBook

I took another sip of my Hennessy as I listened to him talk.

" but I know what the problem is . You too busy worried bout bitches , you don't know how to please and commit to one girl . Jhené ain't no bitch , no hoe , no groupie , none of that. She one of them females that when you find , you keep her and please her . Man you supposed to be doing whatever you need to do to make her happy . Y'all still together regardless. And I'm telling you all this because what if jhené find out y'all been messing around . I'm trying to save yo ass man "  Ib said as he took his eyes off the screen.

" I know . I'm gonna handle this . "  I said

Jhené POV

I pulled up to Jermaine's gate and entered his gate code . Instantly , the two big , silver gates opened , leading me to his driveway . I parked my car next to his G series benz. I walked up to his house and rang the doorbell . Instantly the door fled open and stood their was a girl wearing nothing but a sports bra and a pair of sweats that looked like his . I stood there confused then Jermaine came behind her .

" Jhené... " he said while slightly pushing Indya out of the way.
" I thought we were meeting at your place ? " He asked
" Well I was in the area so I decided to just stop over real quick . um.. I can go though . Seems like I'm interrupting something. " I said as I started to walk off his porch .

He grabbed my arm before I could walk off . This time He actually went after me before I could get away.
" Nah . You weren't interrupting anything. She was just leaving anyways. But né I really need to talk to you . We really need to talk . "
I looked over at Indya who was giving me a stale look.
"Oh. Ok then.. let's talk " I said

He motioned for me to go in the house then he followed behind me. " Aye Indya , um I think your purse and stuff is somewhere in the back. " he said
" But who said I was leaving ." she said in a sassy voice .
He chuckled  " I did "
She raised an eyebrow at him
" oh really . "
" I didn't stutter . " he said
" Oh . Okay . " she said as she went to get her stuff
" Next time your bitch is acting up , don't fucking call me " she slammed the front door behind her as she left

" Jhené I'm sorry . " Jermaine said as he sat down on the couch
" what exactly are you apologizing for because I didn't even say anything yet. Are you saying you did something.. with her ?? " I said

" Nah . no , no . I'm talking about um.. the whole baby situation. You know I figured that we could work this out . For us .. for the baby. I'm sorry for everything I said . I just want you to know that I didn't mean it . And I really miss you . " he explained

" That was weak . Is that all you're apologizing for ?" I said

" Né what all do you want baby . I'm saying that I need you , you need me. I didn't do nothing with Indya. I got you I don't need her . "

" Once you get your lie together and all you little stories straight let me know . I don't have time for this right now " I said as I got up to get off the couch .

" Jhené sit down . You're not going no where . I already made the mistake to let you so called walk out on me . Now that I'm trying to talk to you you're gonna listen to me and what I need to say . "

It took me a second to realize that he was serious . The fact that he just stood up and manned up , that kind of turned me on.

"speak " I said as I sat back down

" I want you to move in with me . I want you to quit that little job you got and let me take care of you . I want you to let me love you . Let me take care of my family . " He said

" Move in with you ? Are you serious Jermaine . Isn't this moving a little too fast . "

" We have a damn baby on the way . Nothing is moving faster than that. We might as well do it now because when the baby comes he or she isn't going to be house hopping . We all need to be together "

" I'll think about it ... " I said

( Indya in multimedia)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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