Chapter 5

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Jhene POV

I raised an eyebrow as I walked towards the counter .
" Jhene? " the guy in the suite said .
"yes ... " I said with a confused look on my face.
" Mr. Cole would like to see you , he said only if now is a good time for you "
I looked over at krissy who nodded her head for me to go. I shook my head no and walked towards the counter.
" I can't go . I'm still on my shift " I said
" Jhené  . your man wants you , just go . I'll cover for you , kay ? " Krissy said
I sighed " Okay , okay " .  " now go . " Krissy said as she  motioned her hands for me to go .
I laughed as I rolled my eyes at her.
" Are you ready Miss Jhene? "
" yes " . I followed the man into the black truck that was parked outside of the café .
A few minutes later we pulled up to jermaine's house . We sat there waiting for jermaine to buzz us in . Felt like we were waiting out there forever . " should I call him ? " I asked the man.
Before I could pull my phone out I seen the front door open. Some chick walked out before him then he came out behind her. She got in her car and j pushed the button to open the gate.  We pulled into the driveway and jermaine walked up to the car and opened the door for me.  
" hey baby " he said as he leaned in to hug me.
I backed away from him and squinted at him
" who was that ? " I said while raising my left eyebrow
" oh . india ? nobody . just a old friend. she stopped by to give something to me " he explained
" oh " I said with my eyebrow still raised
" even if she was someone , it's not like you my girl or anything " he laughed
" wow ... " I said
" Jhené. "  he wrapped his arms around my waist . " i kid , i kid . you know you mine right " he smirked and kissed my forehead. 
" look i gotta show you something " he grabbed my hand and started walking towards the house. He closes the front door behind us as we entered . " ight. close your eyes . "  He said as he turned around to get something from the other room.  " no peeking either ! " he yelled from the bedroom.  He came back with a something behind his back. I stood behind me and kissed my neck . " Jhené I wanna be serious with you . "  he said .  " see .. i know you ain't just an ordinary girl. this is why I want you. " He placed a diamond necklace around my neck .  " what's this ? " I said as I touched the necklace . " it's my gift to you " he said
" no .. jermaine. I can't - " he cut me off before I could finish .  " relax jhené. it's just a little something " .  He came in front of me and pulled a matching diamond bracelet out of his pocket .  My eyes widened as I watched him place it around my wrist . " for every milestone, I'll give you a charm to put on it . " he said
" you like it ? " he asked me .
" I love it .. " I said while adjusting it on my wrist . " I'm glad you do " he smiled .
" ight now come here " he grabbed my hand as he escorted me to the couch . He placed my hand on his lap beside his hand and took a picture of my bracelet and his watch . I didn't notice how they identically matched .
He posted a picture on his Twitter account which captioned " 👀❤️" .
" I gotta head back to the studio later on , but I want you to come over later if you can " he said
" Okay . I'll see .. you can always come to my place , you never been there " I said
He smirked " yeah , that's sounds good "
" I'll let you know when im done in the studio, ight " he said . I nodded my head " okay ".
He walked me outside to the driveway were the black truck was still parked at . He opened the door for me then got in behind me .
" When gonna drop her off then head straight to the studio " he said to the driver
The driver nodded in agreement as he drove out the driveway.

We pulled up in front of the café. I hopped out the car as soon as we pulled up .
Jermaine rolled the window down so you could only see his eyes . " I'll call you , okay " he said
" Okay . " I said , smiling at him .
I tied my apron around my waist as I walked into the café. " Miss Jhené can i have a word with you " my boss said as she walked behind me . " Yeah sure " I said , trying to play cool
I followed her into her office which was in the back of the café. She walked in a sat behind her desk. " where were you earlier? You left without permission. you're lucky we weren't busy at the time . " She said
" It was urgent .. um a friend needed something . Im sorry it won't happen again . " I said . " You're damn right it won't happen again " she said with a rude expression on her face . " Now get back to work " she demanded
I rolled my eyes as I walked to the counter.
I looked over at krissy " I'm sorry " she mouthed from the other side of the room
" it's okay " I mouthed back .

I worked for another 3 hours. I barely did anything but I wish tired as fuck. I sat down at a booth waiting for krissy's shift to be over .
She took her apron off and threw it in her purse . " okay , you ready girl " she said
" yes please get me the fuck out of this place "
We both laughed as we walked to krissy's car.

" So what's your plans tonight ? " krissy said as she drove down the highway .
" nothing really just chill and stuff . I'm exhausted. "
" I couldn't help but notice your little bracelet and necklace . Shit nearly blinding me " she laughed . " What's that all about " 
" It was just a gift from him . Nothing major you know  " I said
" You must've gave this dude some bomb ass sex , because damn "
She said as she held my wrist .
I rolled my eyes and laughed at her .
Krissy pulled infront of my house.
She put the car in park then looked at me . " Né, don't get too caught up . He's a rapper , he can give you anything in the world .. but it's his love that matters . Remember that , okay ? "
" I won't , I promise . "
" I love you  " she said
" I love you too "  I said as I got out of the car
" See you bright and early tomorrow " she said sarcastically as she pulled off

I walked to the door and dug inside of my purse to find my keys . Once I got inside of the house I pulled my apron off , kicked my shoes off and went right into the bathroom. I took the rest of my clothes off then i hopped in the shower. I could feel myself dozing off as the warm water hit my back. I had to catch myself before I actually fell asleep . I pulled my hair in a pony tail and wrapped a towel around my body. As I opened the door to walk in my room I heard footsteps downstairs. A few moments later I heard them walking up the steps . I rushed in the bathroom and closed the door behind me . I stood with my back against the door . I tried to be as silent as possible then I heard my phone ring . I sat in on the bed before I got in the shower and I remember turning the volume all the way up. " fuck fuck fuck " I mumbled to myself . I heard the footsteps come in my room. It was silent for a minute then there was a knock on the bathroom door.
" jhene? " The person said as they knocked .
I raised my eyebrow in confusion. The voice sounded familiar. I cracked open the bathroom door and peeked to see who it was . I sighed in relief as Jermaine stood on the other side of the door. " What are you doing ??? " I said
" Well I left the studio and I texted you and said I was on my way but you didn't reply . Then I showed up to your place and the door was open so I came right in " He explained
I stood there staring at him , still half petrified.
" you okay .. " he said as he moved closer to me . " yeah . you just kinda scared me I thought someone was in my house . "
" My bad " he said as he wrapped his arms around me . " As long as I'm here nobody ain't messing with you anyways , alright " He said as he clinched me tighter . He let go of me after a few seconds.  His shirt was wet from the water that was still on my body . He followed me into my room then yawned as he laid on the bed .
" sleepy ? " I asked him as I slipped a shirt and a pair of panties on.
"yeah kinda " he said. " this ain't really nothing though . somedays i stay in the studio til like 5 or 6 in the morning. "
" damn .. " I said as I laid beside him.
" you should atleast get some sleep now , while you can " I said  . " yeah ... "  he said as he sat up.  "
" What's wrong ? " I asked him .  " Nothing " he said back . 
I climbed on top of him and sat on his lap then wrapped my arms around his neck.
" tell me " .  He smiled and licked his lips
" nothing. it's nothing ". I bit my bottom lip then lifted his shirt over his head. Then he did the same to me .  He pulled me closer to him as I leaned in to kiss his soft pink lips as his tongue played with mine. I started moving up and down on him making him moan a little. I keep going for a while . " wait " he said as he grabbed me to make me stop . He picked his phone up from the nightstand.  " It can wait " I said.  " it's probably important "  he said back.
I took the phone out of his hand then sat it back on the dresser .  He smiled and shook his head. He put me back on top of him , guiding me where to go. Then the phone rang again.
I looked at him then I shook my head . " no you're not answering it " .  " I wasn't anyways " he said as he grabbed the phone and put it in "do not disturb " mode .  " No interruptions now , huh ? "

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