Chapter 2

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Ranpo did not want to break this news to his boyfriend, especially after recalling where he remembered that name. Chuuya Nakahara was the young man he trapped inside Poe's book during the virus ability that would have killed the Port Mafia Boss and his father. Atsushi decided to prevent an all-out war. His sisters always manage to surprise him, and his deductions are sometimes slightly off regarding how they will react and the results. Poe is always more protective of Atsu than Akiko. This is going to be a horrible conversation.

Ranpo decided to just rip off the Band-Aid. Poe picks up at the first ring just as he deducted. "Yes, detective," Poe asked. Ranpo rarely calls Poe during his working hours. "You should come home as soon as possible and bring Lucy," Ranpo stated, trying to gently tell him the news. "Oh, are the cases pilling up, or is there a mission that needs us?" Poe was confused but kept the worry out of his voice. "No, Um, Atsu is getting married soon, and we will meet the family." The statement was much blunter than the greatest detective would have liked, but what's done is done.

"I was not aware that 'Sushi was dating anyone. Tell her congratulations. I should prepare a gift for the occasion. Do you think she would like a house?" Poe is ready to hire the best for his youngest sister. He was ready to call in a few favors. Being a man of many talents provides lots of opportunities to build connections all over the world. "I'm sure Atsu would love whatever you decide to do; however, I must warn you that the marriage is arranged between her and an executive from the Port Mafia." Poe will process this information in 3...2...1. "Absolutely not. Why, how, who is it? I could kill him." Okay, so Poe took this information much better than he had deducted.
"We are meeting them in 3 weeks. Atsu already said that she was okay with the arrangements. I don't like this any more than you do, but Atsu wouldn't completely agree to anything she didn't trust, no matter how much she loves us." The younger detective is trying to convince himself of this information as well. "You're right, Ran. I wish we could look inside her head. We'll be back in a week. I will tell Lucy soon." By the way, dear, you never said who she was marrying." The line was silent. Ranpo really did not want to say. Ranpo sees things others cannot, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for error. "She's marrying Chuuya Nakahara. He's the redhead that we trapped inside of your novel." "Ahh, alright. I do hope that he is respectful to Atsushi. Because gravity user or not, if he hurts her w, I'll drag him to hell and throw away the key." "Naturally, however, our father would get to him first."

"Of course, I would just make it easier for him. Being trapped without his ability certainly makes cleaning up easier." Poe and Ranpo have learned to understand each other over the years, and it was exciting to learn more about the man. "Ran darling, Lucy and I will take the next flight home. The earliest flight is next week. I shall see you then."

"Take care, Detective, and see you soon." The line was cut. Finally, alone with his thoughts, he understood Atsu. He indeed did, but it always sent a wave of sadness when they knew she was the only option. "I will protect her from the shadows this time. We almost lost her once. I will not go through that pain again. Time to start a new case." 

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