Chapter 9

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The ADA made it to their apartments. They were all tired but felt better. "Akiko, don't forget about our sleep tonight," Atsushi told her sister. Of course not. Girls are only exemplary," the doctor called out with a wicked grin. The youngest child mimicked the smile. The men around them would let them have their fun but would remain on standby. The sisters are incredibly close, showing how they talk to one another.

"You girls have a fun call if you need anything," their father said. The men left the women knowing that all those invited could care for themselves. Tigress, I need to grab a few things from my apartment. And then I'll head over to you," the doctor said. Okay, you, me, Lucy, Kyoka, Naomi, and Haruno. It's been a while since we've all gotten together."

"Yes, it has. I'm excited." The girls parted ways, and when Atsushi walked into her shared apartment, she saw Lucy and Kyoka making dinner. "It smells great in here. Kyoka, how is Kouyou doing?" She asked. "She's well. She said you seem like a lovely young lady, and she cannot wait to get to know you better." "How was the meeting?" Lucy asked Poe not to tell Lucy anything; the girl was dying to know. "The President and the Boss talked, and we will go back and forth between the Mafia and Agencyency. Juni and I will start at the Mafia first, and Chuuya and Akutagawa will join Agencyency later. Chuuya will work with Ranpo, and Akutagawa will work with Yosano, Kunikida, or me. I want to warn you both, so it will not be a shock when it happens." The tigress wanted everyone to stay informed and be comfortable. Kyoka just nodded, and Lucy looked deep in thought. "No worries, kitty cat, we can be professional. You worry about your wedding, and we'll help with everything else." Lucy smiled. "Of course, Lucy."

A knock was on the door as the two young ladies finished cooking. Atsushi went to open it, and the remaining girls were there. "Hey, Atsushi, I brought the wine," Haruno said. As all the girls know, Haruno brings the best wine. "Come on in." the tigress said, letting the others in. "Don't mind if we do," Naomi said as the girls arrived and got situated, just catching up. Naomi brings up the marriage. "Atsushi, are you ready for this?" The room was stunned. Kyoka was the first to speak, "Atsushi can protect herself, and she knows when to ask for help. She trained most of us at Agencyency, so have faith in her."

"I agree. Plus, the Kitten knows how to use those around her to the best of their abilities." Haruno chimed in. "I appreciate you guys' concerns. I promise I will let you all know if it gets too much." The ladies agreed. "So, what is the fiancé like? Haruno asked. "We did not get to speak much, but I did get his phone number. I will text him later, maybe set up a date." The bride to be stated. Naomi honestly squealed. "Astu-chan, that's so sweet.

"Yes, who knew that our little tigress was so bold?" Akiko teased. My best friend finally grew my spine." Lucy laughed out. I think she's going to chicken out before she sends the text," Kyoka joked. Kyoka-chan, not you, too." The tigress winced.

The night, she continued with small talk and drinking. Atsushi decided that she needed to ask her questions. "Hey guys, I was wondering if I could ask you all something?" The bride was nervous. All conversions stopped, and the young bride was given full attention. "I was wondering if you guys would be my bridemaids, Akiko. I wanted to ask you to be my maid of honor." The silver-haired girl closed her eyes. She still has moments when she fears rejection.

The girls giggled and immediately agreed. Akiko said, "I am honored that you chose me as your maid of honor. I hope I can create the perfect wedding for you." Atsushi laughed, "Akiko, I trust you with my life. Nothing makes me think that you will do a poor job. Thank you all for accepting."

"Well, let's not let this wine go to waste, Haruno-san. Open it up, please," the former assassin said. A toast to the queen of Agencyency," Naomi said loudly and proudly. Cheers."

While the girls were drinking, someone else was making a phone call to someone who would be his best man. He and his brother were close, but not enough for the man to be his best man. Out of everyone, they were the closest. "What is it, lad?" the voice answered.

"Hello, Ane-san; this is a little unconventional, but I'd like to ask if you would be my best man. Paul and I aren't close to where I would want him as my best man. I still want him as one of my grooms' men, but the Best Man should go to the person who knows me the best." His nerves were getting the best of him, but she did teach him never to back down.

"I would be honored to support you in that way. I thought you would have asked Dazai. The two of you are close despite what you both say." The woman replied.

"Nah, that honor belongs to you and you only. Thank you, though. I wouldn't be who I am without your guidance."

"Happy to watch you bloom in the darkness, but maybe light couldn't hurt." 

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⏰ Última atualização: May 21 ⏰

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