Chapter 4

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Poe and Lucy landed at Yokohama airport with the scariest faces anyone has seen. They were happy to be back in Japan, they just wish the reason behind it was more ideal. "Poe, do you think that Atsushi might have a crush on him?" Lucy asked. Poe honestly wished that was the case. " I don't know Lucy. You know how she is with information." He said gently in other words if she didn't want you to know you will not know.

The Fukuzawa children have done a lot for them both, and it is only fair to return the favor. No debt should be left unpaid. The check out process went smoothly. As they exited the airport, Ranpo and Atsushi were waiting for them. Lucy sprinted towards her best friend. "Darling, I have miss you." Lucy said and the relief could be heard in her voice.

Atsu just giggled at her. But the hug spoke the unsaid I did too. Ranpo and Poe shared a kiss before Poe bear hugged Atsu. "Just know we are going to talk about your sacrificial tendencies" he whispered in her ear. She nodded. "Alright let's head back to the apartment building I am sure you both are tired, and my brother hasn't been sleeping properly." The tigress is protective of her pack, just as they are protective over her.

"That sounds lovely." Lucy said and Poe had to agree. The ride to the apartments was quiet. The air was calm. They reached the parking lot, and everyone climbed out and grabbed the suitcases. Lucy still stayed with Atsu and Kyoka while of course Ranpo and Poe lived together. "Atsu, I will be heading over to your apartment soon," Poe left no room for argument. "Okay, I will call Yosano and dad and make it a family dinner. I need to talk to you all anyway." She replied.

Lucy and Atsu headed to their apartment and while helping Lucy unpack, she knew the older girl was burning with questions. "Lucy, ask whatever you want but your stare is killing me."

"Okay, I thought you were dating the vampire reject?" Her question was valid and honestly Atsushi would have loved to, but Byakko doesn't feel any romantic attraction to Akutagawa. They are separate as they are similar, so she couldn't. She explained that to Lucy while sending off a text message to her older sister and her father about dinner.

"Does it hurt, knowing you like him, but your ability is waiting for your soulmate basically." Lucy wants her to be happy but there's not much she can do when it comes to instinct. The were-tigress looks sad and nods. "It is I have had many crushes, but Byakko hasn't liked one, so yeah that sucked but when dad brought but the marriage proposal Byakko was happy like happier than when I met my family, and everything just clicked you know. Like Nakahara-san is supposed to be the one. I'm putting my faith in her she has never led me astray."

"I'll support you no matter what." The conversation was done, both women went in the kitchen to make dinner. Neither were worried about Kyoka because she was with Kouyou, and they both know how protective the assassin is of the young adult. The knock at the door didn't startle either of the chefs. Lucy yelled "It's open." The president followed by Akiko and the two Brunets. "Have a seat we are almost done with dinner."

Dinner was a silent affair and Atsushi was waiting for someone to break it. It couldn't be her. Someone cleared their throat and Akiko lost it. "We can't possibly sit here and pretend that everything is okay. This is not okay, Dad you promised." The doctor had tears in her eyes, and she wouldn't dare let them fall. "I did." Was the response the older man supplied. He was guilty even if the youngest child said it was alright. He was trying to atone for the past, but it seems that keeps backfiring on him. "Ranpo, what are the odds that the Agency comes out on top without losing a member permanently?" The tigress loves her family, but they must see reason. Ranpo looked hesitant but answered her regardless. "We would lose at least one member, at most three members." They knew that something was coming but they can't tell what angle it's coming from as much as they hate to admit it the need the Mafias strength. Yosano finally let her tears fall because no matter what she wants the burden will fall on her younger sister because she and Ranpo keeps the Agency running. "This would be easier if you could marry Dazai." Ranpo attempted to act as a joke. "No, Dazai isn't my type, and nothing would have changed that. Do you all trust me?" They all nodded. "Okay so once we meet Mori and the Mafia family, I'm going to make a request." "What kind of request?" Poe was concerned. "I'm going to ask to bring another member with me. I know who I want to go but I have yet to ask so I will let you all know once they give me the okay." The nods were confirmation enough. Dinner was finished and everyone went home, and Atsushi went to make her phone call. She can only pray that the person picked up.

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