Chapter 8

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The being answered Chuuya without hesitation that he was taken back. Well, he needs to stay in the present because the ADA has finally made it to the table. The President pulled out the tigress chair, and after she sat down, everyone else did, too. He also notices the blue in her hair, and he wonders if Kyoka told her the color of his eyes.

"Fukuzawa-dono, I hope all is well. Let's talk business." The boss smiled. The air was tense, but the clock was still turning. Fukuzawa decided to introduce his family. "I hate you. This is my only son Ranpo and his boyfriend Edgar Allen Poe, my eldest daughter Akiko Yosano, and my youngest child Atsushi." He pointed to everyone. "Well, you know everyone except this is Chuuya's older brother Paul. He's called the king of assassins," Mori stated.

"It's lovely to meet you, Chuuya. I hoped we could get along," Atsushi said to him. She held her hand out, and he shook it. "It's lovely to put a name to a face," he replied.

She honestly to god giggled, and it was the best thing he'd heard. "Hello, little tigress. Still the pack leader, I see." Mori reminded them that the true leaders were still here. "Shut up. I do not like talking to you." Fukuzawa replied. "So, what do we say that both children work for both organizations and alternate about every three months." Mori continued. The Fukuzawa family looked at one another, and Poe spoke up. "Won't having the gravity user work during the day interfere with his mafia role too much."

"Who said I had to use my ability?" Chuuya said. Fukuzawa thought about it, and Ranpo spoke in favor of it. "Dad, it's okay when he works at the agency, He'll be my subordinates. That's one extra person to work on a case with me."

"Fine Mori. I am assuming that Atsushi would work for the Mafia first?" Fukuzawa relented. "Actually, yes, but while we actually plan this, they could go back and forth every two weeks?" Fukuzawa nodded. Atsushi took this time to request that Junichiro come out. "Juni, your job is done," Atsushi said so casually that Dazai smirked because he couldn't see the Light Snow user. He's gotten better at hiding, and he'll surely be an assassin if he goes into the Mafia.

The light snow user deactivated his ability and bowed to both organizations. Atsushi continued, "He's my direct subordinate. He will follow wherever I go, I would like for him to join me in which ever organization I work for." Her Father nodded. She had warned them ahead of time. "Alright, I agree to those terms. He seems to be very useful wherever he is." The Mafia Boss smiled. "However, if you get a subordinate that follows you around, so does Chuuya-Kun." The former doctor had a gleam in his eyes, that spelled nothing but trouble. "Akutagawa will go with Chuuya during his time in the agency. He's the only member that is most familiar with how the agency works."

Chuuya wanted to object, but he had no reason to. Everything the boss said made sense. The poor boy. The president looked around to see if they had any objections. None was heard, so he agreed. "Thank you for your time today, Fukuzawa." The mafia boss replied sweetly. The President did nothing but nod at the man.

"Chuuya-san, may I have your number?" the tigress asked. Her question made sense; who doesn't have their fiancé's phone number? So, he reached for his pocket and handed her his phone. "Thank you." She smiled so genuinely that he couldn't help but smile back, only a tiny bit. "Don't mention it, Tigress. Feel free to call whenever," he told her.

"I will, thank you." There was an understanding between the two of them. They may not have started like an average couple, but that doesn't mean their relationship has to be  horrible. It must grow and be nurtured just like any other relationship.

"I must go now, but I want to see you soon." The tiger likes to stalk her prey, so the man agrees. "Sure, why not text me, and we can discuss the details later? I'm paying no buts." He must be firm with this. "Fine. But I pay next time." She put her foot down. She turned and walked away. Once the agency left, the remaining patrons talked about the meeting. "So, what do you think?" The boss asked, but by the look on their face, he could see what they thought.

"She will make a great executive if given the chance," Kouyou said. "She was more respectful than what I had in mind, although I was basing that on rumors, so," Paul explained. Chuuya didn't need to say anything, so he nodded. He could see why he was paired with the young tigress. "Well, good," Was all the man said. A dawn of a new day was approaching, and everyone was ready for it. 

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