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· Hivewings are dragons with four insect like wings similar to wasps.

· Hivewings can have a stinger in their wrists or tail.

· They can also have venom in their teeth though it is rare.

· They can either have the stench toxins (like lady scarab) or a paralysing toxin known as nerve poison too.

· Its rumoured that hivewings can have fire come out their claws although this theory is yet to be proved since its extremely rare.

· Hivewings live in something known as a 'Hive' which is a giant wooden, tower like spiral made out of tree's known as 'Tree Stuff'.

· Inside this hive there is markets and honeycomb rooms in the sides of this towering spiral.

· There are also many platforms each with a hierarchy, the bottom is of the low class, the middle of the middle class and the high platform of the noble class, and the top platform is for the royals and very rich hivewings.

Hivewings are excellent when it comes to making candy and they even invented coffee.

Their ruler is a dark brown hivewing with black stripes fading to a pale red at the end of their tail, his name known as 'Huntsman'. Huntsman has bright green eyes and green veins that seems to pulse with a slight tint of red through his four wings, he wears black spiky armour and a green jade necklace of a wasp symbol mixed with possibly the othermind plant...

Its rumoured that huntsman has a powerful paralysing spray from his tail and wrists although many say it's a toxin that can make others sleep or fall under his control somehow, And he somehow has venom in his teeth too.

He is a rather feared leader of the hivewings due to how ruthless he can be when there's danger to his tribe.

Their diet is mostly vegetarian with little meat, they also eat honeycombs a lot.

Huntsman is strict on how his tribe acts, he dislikes how some hivewings still think they can rule the silkwings which causes him to make them disappear a lot to keep peace with the silkwings and leafwings after what Queen Wasp did.

With the Hive structure instead of multiple hives across pantala its just one massive one near the bay, for reinforced building and to hold the entire hivewing kingdom.

They trade cloths and candies.

Hivewings have started keeping their eggs in their homes then in a hatchery after what Wasp was doing to their eggs when they placed them in hatcheries.

Hivewings have a lot more unknown freedom now that wasp isn't around as huntsman rules the Hivewings.

possible future lore and world building ideas for seriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt