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Anon: Hi!! may i request some fluff for bullfrog with a reader with PCOS? They feel bad about themselves but bullfrog knows how to make them love themself! reader can be fem or GN

(i've recently been diagnosed with PCOS so i wanna use this as an opportunity reassure myself and others with PCOS)

A/N: Aw, I hope you feel better quickly mon ami~ :) I wish all of you have it a good luck with that! I hope I could write it the way you wanted?

 Warnings: mentions of blood, death and wounds; self doubt, insecurities, mentions of self loathing

Word Count: 3.1k

You continue laying down, your eyes staring up on the ceiling for quite some time now, already used to the darkness as you woke up from your sleep sometime ago. You carefully and silently reached out for your phone on the nightstand. You picked it up and opened it, you whispered a curse word because how bright the screen was and quickly dim it all the way down. You didn't wanted to wake up Bullfrog. He stayed with you for the night. You frowned with seeing the time, it's only three in the morning. You sighed, there was a lot of time until sun rise and you didn't feel like sleeping. You leaved your phone on the nightstand once again and turned to you side. Maybe if you try hard enough you would fall asleep again? Because if you continue laying on your back staring at the ceiling like that more, your mind gonna bore you with its constant thoughts about yourself like you never able to escape all day. Sleep was your only escape. You need to sleep now. Your eyes weren't tired even though you keep closing them they somehow keep opening, and after a while it just frustrates you more.

You huffed and turned to your other side, this time facing him. Your eyes softened with his figure. He looked really serene, he looked so cute. You smiled and reached your hand but hesitate, you didn't want to possibly wake him up but sighed and caressed his cheek so slightly. Your smile widened when he seemed to follow your touch as a little smile appeared on his lips. You bit your lip, nothing was cuter than this sight to see him follow your warm touch. You watch him sleep soundly for a while but you still didn't get sleepy or tired. With that in mind you sighed. You carefully get up and leave the bed, making sure he is covered well. You know he is cold blooded and won't freeze to death but he still might get disturbed so you make sure he is comfortable.

Before you get out of the room you pick up your phone and give one last glance at him. He moved a bit but no indication to show he was awake. You slowly closed the door and went to your balcony. Maybe some fresh air could help you.

You sat on one of the chairs on the balcony and stretched your arms over the railing, resting your head on it while watching the dark sky. You breathed in the slightly cool but comforting breeze of the night.

You didn't want to think, you just wanted to relax. Even though you tried not to think about those constantly spinning thoughts in your head, once they started, they didn't stop for a long time.

You didn't like the fact that your body was changing. I mean changes always happen but this one was something you are uncomfortable about. Who would want such changes anyway? It looked bad. B-but it was okay. You gained a little weight, acne was not a problem, they would go away after a while anyway! But that didn't change the fact that it looked bad. God, you suddenly felt a great awareness, you wanted to get away from your own body, you felt out of your skin. No, don't think about it. Or it will get worse.

You rubbed your face. Okay, think something else, focus on something else. What makes you happy? Bullfrog. Hah, that was an obvious choice for you. But it was enough to put a smile on your lips. Even saying his name was lightening your mood.

But your smile dropped. What does he think about your changes, you wonder?

You quickly shook your head. No,no,no,no, don't think about that! One thing you can't bear to think about him, thinking that- Okay, it seems like even thinking about him not gonna help you right now.

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 ⎢⎢ Bullfrog/Rayman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now