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A/N: This time definetly a romantic one-shot! You two are dating for the sake of this fluffy story~

I, of course, again couldn't think anything else but the Rayman from the games bleh.

So sorry if there is any typo mistakes~

Summary: You and him- cute everyday intimate moments~

Warnings: ... a little bit suggestive in the end

Word Count: 1.3k

You push a basket on his chest, "Here take this and follow me." You turn around and start to stroll down in the forest with a happy hum.

He quickly followed behind, "Ah.. to where?"

You give him a look, "What do you think?"

He huffed realising how stupid his question was, "Okay. But why?"

You coed playfully, "What? The all mighty ray of sunshine don't want to help? Oh, wait, I get it. He was thinking of going back to sleep." You smirked to yourself.

Instead of being offended he hummed with a grin, "Actually laying down doesn't sound too bad right now."

You rolled your eyes, "Well, It's better than sleeping."

"Helping you to collect fruits? Sure." He grinned.

You shook your head, "I am serious. I know you enjoy your little naps but I don't think it won't cause you any trouble helping me with such a small task, right?"

"Who said I won't? Of course I will. You know why?"

"Because you love helping?" You sacrasticly spoke.

He paused, "Well, yes, but it's also because I love helping you."

You shook your head with a smile and grabbed his hoodie dragging him along with you like a little kid. He chuckled at that and quicky caught up to your speed.

You two soon find a nice place to started filling your baskets with fruits. After a while of collecting your eyes landed on his form.

His body screthed up and his hand floated above plucking an apple and put it in the basket. You nibbled with your lip. Since you first laid eyes on him you were always curious and intruged about his anotamy. You aslo never tried to hold his hand before which bothers you a bit knowing he might also notice your avoidance (All couples hand holds after all, right? Would he like that if you do?)... He wasn't weird to you... at least anormal by now... it was just... unusual. You never saw someone like him before, your hesitation is normal, right?

What you mean is... you were just afraid to somehow hurt him. Physically and emotionally. You continue observing him in deep thoughts.

As Rayman reached out to grab another apple, he suddenly froze. He found the new weight and warmth on his back unusual but nothing to alarmed about. His lips turned into a small smile as you leaned on your body against his, it wasn't something you did all the time causing him to also raise a brow in question. Was something wrong? Before he could say anything you spoke, "Should we measure our hands?" With that soft spoken question he blinked in surprise and turn to you. But he didn't question.


He step back and raise his hand out to you. He saw you hesitate as you extended your own towards his. He turned his eyes to yours, hoping that he is at least reasuring you in some way.

When you pressed your hands together, you had a strange feeling. Like electricity going through your body, causing you to want to launch back... Maybe because of you were excited or maybe afraid? You didn't know how to explain this feeling. It felt like... a feeling you had when Rayman was seriously injured before and you couldn't bear to touch him during his recovery.

You give a silent sigh and smiled, "Your hands a bit smaller then mine. Only in height though. Yours is longer in width."

He smiled at you and connected his fingers with yours, his grin widen to see the dust of pink growing on your cheeks. "You are right. But I can still wrap your whole hand in mine."

You chuchkled, "Y-yeah." You squealed when you suddenly feel your other hand snatched by him and pulled towards his body.

He leaned on you, a hand on your back and the other still holding yours. You yelped when he started moving around. You were really confused and flustered a bit, you quickly and catuisly try to match your steps with his, your eyes on his feet to not accidently step on them.

He gently grabbed your chin and made you face him, "My eyes are up here." He whinked with a warm smile making your heart skip a beat.

You scoffed but your expression quickly softened with how lovingly he was observing you. You flushed away from his gaze.

He slowed down a bit, now you know what he was trying to do. Dancing. With an imaginary song. You smiled at that. How silly. Though you didn't resist. Without even relising your tension quickly fade away. You two start to sync even more in time and moved smoothly. He gently twirled you around and dipped you down causing you to giggle.

He laughed along with you as you both continue dancing around. He gently grabbed your hand and let you hold his shoulders (you actually don't know what to call that) and he rested his hands on your waist. You hummed and laid your head on his chest.

You muttered softly, "I didn't knew you would suddenly start dancing out of no where."

"I'm trying my best thanks a lot."

You snorted at that and look up at him, "How cute of you."

"What do you mean? I am always cute."

You found yourself pressed on his chest as his hand supported your back once again dipping you. You bit your bottom lip, "I never said you weren't. You are quite charming too."

"Say something I don't know, prencess."

"Hmm.." your eyes landed on his lips, you swallowed and quickly looked away, "I guess you know everything I am gonna say, huh?"

Your gazes both met once again, his eyes full of desire matching with yours as he leaned in with a whisper, "I might know what you think too..."

Your eyes fluttered close, his lips even softer on yours than you ever imagined. And they tasted like berries. You felt your back laying on the soft ground as he stood on top of you deepending the kiss causing you to let out a little moan.

You gently pushed him away, your hot bretahs mixing with each other as you both stared deep into each others eyes. He leaned in to leave more kisses all over your face slowly going down to your neck only you to push him away with a stuffed laugh. He grinned down at you as you nibble on your lip still tasing him on them. You raised a playfull brow, "Have you've been eating the berries we were collecting?"

He pondered, "Maybe. So what if I have been?"

He yelped and a grunt escaped his lips when he was flipped, finding himself under you, his cheeks supported a strong blush.

"I'll make you pay for that of course."

He chuckled, "Oh, really? What you gonna do about that?" His words come out a bit shaky in the end.

You slowly leaned in playing with the hem of his hoodie causing hin to shiver slightly, you whispered in his ear,"Do you really wanna find out what I am going to do to you?"

He nodded timidly, curious and excited.

You jumped off off him, "I will deprive you of the fruit cake I will bake, of course." You laugh with his dissapoint and surprise face.

He turn to you with a scoff, "I guess that's not the only thing you are deprivibg me today." He mumled out.

"Come help me to carry these back home will you?"

"Sure." He sighed with a soft smile, shooking his head.

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 ⎢⎢ Bullfrog/Rayman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now