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A/N: Oh god, I'm so sorry to inform you guys that I'll be so busy the next few weeks (I'll still try to squeeze in to finish your request in my freetimes) but for an apolagy here is a short one-shot~ Like really short lol (Sorry about that)

Warnings: Blood, angst, death, extreme describing

Words: 830

He didn't know how long he walked around to find an exit of some kind. But nothing other then the walls surronded him in this endless hallway faced him. He was confuse. He didn't know how he come here.

He halted, his breath caught in his throat as his eyes noticed a person in the middle.

It was a kid. They are looking at him. He felt some kind of relief that he wasn't alone anymore. He was about to shout at the kid until the walls start to shake. An earthquake? Bullfrog's eyes widen when he notice the buildings walls start to crumble down.

He siprented, catching the kid and jumped outside before the building could collapse on them.

He panted as he looked down on his arms, "Are you okay, kid--" he freezed. The child reminded him of so much of... you.

He blinked in confusion only to quickly push it away and gently put the kid down. They continued looking at him in silence.

"Don't worry, you are safe now. Do you know where your parents at? Or someone that looks after you?"

The kid shook their head so slighy that it was nearly impossible to tell of they actually moved or not. He sighed. "Okay, it's alright. We can search together. Wouldn't it be fun? Like hide-n-seek"

He gently grabbed the kid's hand and walked away. He glanced back. He was outside of the building now?

As he walked around everything seemed unimportant except the kid he is holding. Everything was a mess, buildings collapsed, the sky was red, there seemed the be voices around him. But everything decreased and vanished as he kept walking.

Now he was just walking in a white void. Aimless. Confuse. No destination. He stumbled when he lost the grip on the child.

He panicked. Where did they go!?

He tried to calm himself down but he seemed to lost all his senses.

He falled on his knees and gripped his head. He panted. Fear the only thing he could think, feel, see... until a pair of feet appeared in his vision, he shakily look up.

The kid was back. He reached his shaky hand to you.

You only stared back.

His hand pressed on an invisible force just inchest away from you. A wall?

He chocked out your name. Nothing was making any sense.

You kneeled infront of him. Leaned in while his body freezed, even though he wanted to move he couldn't. You whispered next to his head, "Do you know what hurted the most? A back stab." You hissed.

A sharp breath escaped his lips as an icreadible amount of pain swarmed his back. He could taste the blood coming out of his throat as he choked out. He glanced down, there is a lof of blood, his blood. He choked out, "W-what?" But his voice didn't heard.

You grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you, he never knew it could hurt more when he saw the hatred in your eyes, "How do you felt?"

He somehow knew, that sentance wasn't meant for his current pain.

You hummed at his silence. You glared down at him upset as you wiped his tears away along with the blood on his lips.

"Ah, You know... everything would be different if you just chose to save me... Do you felt guilt for leaving me to die?"

His eyes widened. What?

Guilt. He feels that all the time.

But it hurted the most when it was you he couldn't save.

He choked out in tears, "C'est un cauchemar."

"Oh, no... This is your reality." You growled, "You're gonna suffoacte in your guilt forever."

At that moment, he thought he really couldn't breathe, he was going to suffocate, his breathing was short and rapid. And it all stopped when he felt the sharp object pressing against his throat, breaking through his skin and forcing itself in all the way to the hilt, he could feel the tip sticking out of the back of his neck. He felt himself inevitably ripping into his flesh; he could feel every little bit of flesh and muscle being torn apart as he drowned in his own blood.

He gasped and quickly sit up, he gripped his throat and panthed heavily. He choked out as he tried to regain his breathing. He swears that he stopped actually breathing for a second.

He glanced up, calming a bit to see his room. He clenched his eyes shut and sighed.

"Juste un cauchemar."

"Again the same..." he glanced at his side, on his nightstand, a frame stood. You and him smiling in the photo, happily.

"Je suis vraiment désolé."

He gently grabbed the frame, "Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à quel point tu aurais pu me détester à cause de cette nuit." A tear landed between your faces.

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 ⎢⎢ Bullfrog/Rayman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now