Please No

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A/N: It's too short for my liking but yeahhh... And I may not have finished the ending. I leave it to you my dear readers how it ends~

You can think of this as an AU, not from the series. 

Pairs: (I never mentioned much but you can think this story as) Bullfrog x Reader x Ramon

1.9K words

I'm not giving you guys any summery but warnings instead to make it a bit more mysterious here: Huge angst, blood, dead bodies, death, description of dying, etc.

You had cleared out everyone in this section of the secret unit, a small mistake had gotten you noticed, there was nothing else to do, thankfully you both were successful nevertheless. "I guess we can finally move on, huh?" You panted and sighed in relief. Ramon nodded in agreement, "Let's go get the documents and get the fuck out of here." You laughed tiredly at this, "Yes, I'm dying to get home. This job was one of a hell, the most tiring and annoying thing I've ever participated in. I wonder what Bullfrog is doing on his side?" Your eyes spotted a movement among the bloody bodies, a wounded guard raising his gun and aiming at Ramon about to shoot, your eyes widened in fear, he was supposed to be dead.

You gasped, "Ramon watch out!" Realizing the danger, you acted without thinking and pushed Ramon out of the man's sight. A huge bullet explosion echoed through the building, you couldn't make a sound or had any control over your weak limbs, your eyes blurred in pain, it all followed by the sound of your name being shouted and more bullets. You found yourself on the ground, all you knew was that it hurt so much and that you were having trouble breathing. When Ramon turned you towards him you saw the pain in his face. You choked, "R-Ramon—" you could taste the blood in your mouth.

"It's okay, It's okay, I got you. Y-You'll be fine!" That was a big lie, you could see it in his teary eyes. He saw the hole on your back, the bullet pierced through your back, reached to your lungs and then came out from your chest. He used pressure on your chest and kept repeating the same things, "You'll be okay. I promise." Your breathing was quick and sharp, your chest hurted a lot, you weren't able to get enough air into your system. "Ramon—" You gasped, "I-I don't want to die." You choked out, your tears streaming down from your cheeks as you gripped his hand in your panic. Ramon shook his head quickly, "I won't let you die I promise!" You both knew there wasn't a way out for you this time. Even knowing this he continues lying for you and you continue believing in him. Your breathing become shallow and it was more and more difficult for you to properly have fresh air, you were suffocating. And when you come to the point of barely breathing, you squeezed his hand with the last strength you had. "Ramon I—" He stared at you, waiting for a continue, wanting to hear what you need to say but you said nothing else, he saw the last breath leaving your lips, saw the lively glint in your eyes vanishing, felt your hand going limp, you laid motionless on the ground, your blood covering the grounds, your blood on his hands, the metallic smell all around him. He wanted to protest, yell, make chaos out of this unfair station but... he only sat there and stared at his hands, silent tears leaving him.

Bullfrog spun around, restless. He was getting more worried that they were not showing up. This shouldn't have taken this much of their time... right? He halted to a stop. His lips curving into a smile when he spotted Ramon. He sprinted at him but slowly came down to a stop, his smile quickly vanishing. His eyes quickly searched around, he turned and looked... but there was no trace of you anywhere.

He holds himself back, his hands clenching. He cleared his throat to inform Ramon that he was there. Ramon only stopped, didn't lift his head, didn't look at him, didn't even give him a little glance. This made him panic even more. He tried to calm his restless mind as he opened his mouth, "Ramon... Where...?" He stopped himself when Ramon finally looked at him, he felt something died in his chest when he saw his expression. A choked sob escaped his throat, his hands shaking. He somehow knew it even before he showed up, he was praying to everything that this is just him being just worried.

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 ⎢⎢ Bullfrog/Rayman x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now