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So Mun stepped out of his car, and immediately coughed because of the smell of gasoline, yet he didn't pay too much attention to it because he was used to it.

He shut the door behind him, slamming it a little too harshly and made sure to set an alarm for later that night to remind him on when to pick up his gear from the nearby hardware store. He put his phone back in his pocket, making sure it wouldn't fall out.

So Mun locked his vehicle and immediately zipped up his leather jacket, entering the warehouse that he had been living in since the beginning of his life it feels like for him. The metal fences surrounding the place was welcoming to him. He loved how it was so easy to see everybody's name carved into the concrete wall.

The story behind it is one of his favorite memories. It was two years ago, he remembers. After they had won fifty thousand dollars from another racing group because of a bet, they had wrote their names and titles on the freshly painted concrete (which is something they could afford without worrying because of their win) and spray painted it with the color green.

It was the Greasers they won to, the memory crawls back to him now. So Mun recalls seeing their angered and disappointed faces after finding out they had lost that much money. Nobody else in his team felt sympathy, but deep down he himself felt bad.

He walked on over to the entrance of the warehouse and entered the code, making the door unlocked. He pushed it open and was immediately met with the sight of Yunhee and Seunwoo fighting again.

Yunhee was older then the boy, and she had long, black wavy hair along with a couple of freckles on her face. She was known for being a great driver, yet never wanted to beat Seunwoo because he would always whine and complain to the others about how she cheated and distracted him.

Meanwhile, Seunwoo was younger but taller then her. He had black curly hair like So Mun, dimples, and a scar on his upper left forehead. However, you could barely see it because his hair was almost always covering it.

She was so close to reaching his hair (probably wanting to pull it) and he was about to twist her leg on the ground because oh yeah, they were on the floor. The dirty, ugly floor they never had time to clean. So Mun turned his head to see Taejoon smoking a cigarette, probably because of how stressful it is taking care of his brother and his teammate.

He walked up to So Mun, "You have any clue on how to make them live in peace for one day?" Taejoon had short red hair, dimples, and had broad shoulders that Seunwoo always admired and was envious of. He looked alot like his younger brother obviously, yet they had small differences between them.

"Hyung," So Mun spoke. "How many of those have you smoked today?" He pointed to the cigarette in the older mans finger.

"Four, I think?" Taejoon shrugged at his own words as he turned around and saw Haeun carrying a bunch of boxes.

"Why are they fighting about this time?" The 21 one year old asked as she set them down on the floor next to main closet of jackets they had. "And why are you smoking again?"

"How come your always getting mad at me for smoking?" Taejoon rolled his eyes. "So Mun smokes too,"

"Please," She puts her hands on her hips. "The last time I remember he smoked was seven months ago, and that was the day of his parents death anniversary, stop lying."

So Mun laughed at that before walking towards the two teammates on the ground. "If you guys don't separate in the next four seconds, I will go to y'alls room and steal each of your candy stashes."

Immediately, the two of them froze and got off of each other before running upstairs to their rooms. "Well that worked,"

"Seriously though," So Mun turned around to face Taejoon again. "If you keep it up, your gonna be dead by the time you turn 30,"

The older one put out his cigarette and stepped on the butt, making him pick it back up and throw it away as he went to the kitchen to grab a apple, washed it, then took a big and loud bite to show the younger. "Happy?"

The latter nodded with a cheeky smile before he heard footsteps. "There you two are!" Maeok smiled at them. She was the oldest out of everyone, yet seemed like she always had a smile on her face no matter the situation. They called her Ms. Chu, as she insisted them to call her that. She had grey curly hair (from age obviously) that reached to her shoulders and even though she was 54, she was strong as hell.

"I wanted to tell you guys about our meeting with Mr. Choi later today. It's going to be here in the afternoon, so we'll have to clean up a bit if you boys don't mind."

So Mun nodded as he went to go pick up a table cloth and set it under the water to make it wet, then started scrubbing on the countertops.

"What's the meeting for?" Taejoon asked. "We don't get one very often."

Ms. Chu shrugged. "I'm not sure myself. He just told me to wait until he gets here."


As if nothing could get anything worse, it did.

The first chance Do Hana got, she would go and beat the absolute shit out of Chanwook when he comes back. If he wasn't for his stupid smoking addiction, maybe they wouldn't be in this position right now.

Oh wait, she thought. They wouldn't be in this position at all! Being the dumbass he is, Chanwook forgot to put out the cigarette which created a fire in the back of their warehouse. Luckily, nobody was hurt and nothing important was set on fire, but it caused a great deal of damage, so staying at the place was obviously a safety hazard.

Which is why they were having this meeting with Mr. Choi in the first place.

"You guys know Island, right?" As soon as the name came out of his mouth, all of the members of the Greasers were yelling.

"If we have to suddenly join hands with them, I will actually shoot myself in the head." Motak huffed as he sat back down on the grass. He hated how they had to have the meeting outside for fucks sake, but they had no other choice.

Hana took off her red leather jacket and threw it onto the ground forcefully before burying her face in her hands. "Ree Chanwook."

Haewon put her arm around her as a sign of comfort. "He's going to get punished, don't worry." She felt bad because Hana was always the one that was struggling the most with her emotions.

"...So that means you guys will have to stay with them for the next couple of months, but don't worry, because there's alot of space for everyone so it won't be cramped." Mr. Choi finished with a sigh. As an important businessman, he always had to deal with unhappy people.

As everyone else went to their card to start the drive to the Island's warehouse, Hana sat in hers and punched the passenger seat in anger. "Fucking hate my life," She looked down at her right knuckle and saw how it was starting to turn red.

Turning on her car, she put on the GPS for the location and started driving down the road. Hana didn't even bother to look at the trees or the pretty sunset as she drove unlike usually. She was too mad. She couldn't relax.

If I meet someone like Chanwook, I'm going to quit being a racer right on the spot.

I hope I meet a guy who's decently nice to me, has a good sense of humor, strong, handsome, and–

Hana slapped herself on the cheek. What was she thinking?! Is she really trying to find a boyfriend while all of this is going on?

I'm so stupid, she thought. I'm not in a movie, I'm not going to meet the love of my life at first sight.

I'm not going to worry about my love life right now. Maybe never.

She bits her nail nervously as another thought spirals into her mind.

What if I become rivals with someone?

God, I hope not, she thought as she pulled up infront of the Island members warehouse.

Cheer's to the start of this disaster, I guess.

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now