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Believe it or not, Hana had time to go hang out with other friends that aren't racers like her.

It was refreshing to be able to escape from reality by talking and going out with some of them. She was always so focused on her driving skills, she was always lucky whenever she was able to make plans with a friend of hers.

Which is what she was getting ready for right now; She put on a casual varsity jacket with a black turtleneck underneath and left her room to head downstairs, only to see So Mun sitting at the dinner table.

His head perked up at the sound of her walking down. "Flower!"

She looked back at him, and he went to stand infront of her, standing up from his chair. "About yesterday...um."

Hana saw how he suddenly looked a little shy about what he was going to say. "Thanks for yesterday. With my anxiety attack, you know? I didn't properly thank you but I appreciated it alot."

She just nodded nonchalantly. "It's nothing. Just make sure you take care of yourself." She patted his shoulder and went to go get her car keys.

So Mun hummed in response and Hana was about to walk out the door because she thought their conversation was over, and she was running a little late anyway.

"Oh wait-"

She turned around to face him with a sharp, annoyed glare at the sound of him speaking. Whenever he saw the look displayed on her face, he winced like a kicked puppy and said, "Actually, never mind. It's not important anyway."

Whenever Hana closed the door after she left, So Mun sat back down and shut his eyes in worry. His parents used to look at him like that when he was younger, so it gave him an uneasy feeling in his head.

Where is she going that's so important anyway?


"Sorry I'm a little late, Dohwi," Hana apologized. "There was a bit of traffic on the way here."

He smiled fondly at her. "No worries. I have all the time in the world."

Park Dohwi was Hana's childhood friend from high school, and throughout the years they have luckily been able to keep in touch despite their jobs.

While Hana was a racer, Dohwi was a piano player; A career choice that he has always dreamed of since he was a toddler. Sometimes Hana had a chance to go to his performances when she wasn't too busy.

"You wanted to get milkshakes and walk around the neighborhood, right?" Hana asked as she dug her phone inside her pocket, putting it on silent.

While they were waiting in line for their drinks Dohwi asked her, "Are you sure you don't regret doing this as your job?" He said with obvious concern in his voice. "Being involved in all of this seems dangerous."

"I've told you already," She grinned at him. "I don't regret it at all. I've met alot of important people by doing this, and I enjoy it."

"Just making sure." Dohwi sighs. "Because if not, you can always join me at my performances."

"I'll pass." She laughs, but she misses the huge smile he looks at her with.


"Are you sure we can't hang out more often?" He questions. "I want to be able to talk to you more often."

Hana raises an eyebrow as she drinks her milkshake. "You have my number though."

Dohwi looks stumped. "Yeah but..." He tried to make an excuse. "It's not the same as seeing you in person!"

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now