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"I present to you today's match; So Mun versus Seunwoo." Yunhee spoke as she held an imaginary microphone in her hand, sitting on the sidelines. The other racers were surrounding them, watching intensely while placing bets on who's going to win.

So Mun brought his gloves up to his face as he had a determined look. His feet were buried into the mat, and his curly hair was blocking some of his vision. He took a glance at Taejoon, who was cheering him on.

Seunwoo on the other hand, had his brown hair in a ponytail with his fists wrapped in bandages because they were already bruised up from him fighting his brother earlier.

When Yunhee blew the whistle, Seunwoo threw the first punch as he aimed for the youngers face. He missed as So Mun had dodged left and then kicked at his leg, making him fall.

Seunwoo got up immediately though as he grabbed So Mun's arm to try and throw him on the ground but failed once again. Instead, he got punched in the face.

So Mun then pinned Seunwoo on the ground with his face in the mat. The black haired boy put his foot down on his back as he heard Seunwoo groan in pain.

He was able to roll over and make So Mun trip, resulting in him grabbing his shirt to punch him once more.

Then suddenly, Seunwoo got shoved so hard by the younger couldn't get up from the mat as he laid there, out of breath as So Mun walked towards him slowly.

"You alright?" He offered a hand out to him. Seunwoo grabbed it and patted his shoulder.

"Man, remind me to never fight with you again." He laughed out. "That hurts like shit."

So Mun winced. "Sorry hyung. You know how seriously I take matches."

As he turned around, everyone had begun cheering for him with Ms. Chu entering the area to give an ice pack to Seunwoo.

"You should go get some rest, you have a race to attend later," She spoke softly before she pointed a finger at So Mun. "And you, be nice to him."

Before he could protest, he felt Yunhee's arm patting him on the back. "He deserved that. Thanks for beating him up."

So Mun playfully eye-rolled. "It was a sparring match, I didn't want to beat him up like that." He took off his jacket, "You know the rules."

Taejoon and Hana walked over to the both of them, and she held out her card between her fingers. "I made a bet with her earlier." Hana motioned her head at Yunhee. "I lost, so now I have to pay for dinner."

The curly haired boy laughed before he grabbed his phone from Taejoon and got his car keys. "I'm driving."

"For fucks sake, i'm older so i'm driving."

"It's my car!"

"I've been driving longer!"

"I'll start driving if you two don't shut the hell up in the next two seconds." Yunhee said annoyed. "They've always been like this." She whispered playfully to Hana, earning a chuckle from her.

As the four of them got in the car, So Mun sat in the front with Hana being passenger, and Taejoon and Yunhee in the back. They went to a korean barbecue restaurant that was only a couple minutes away.

Whenever they had arrived they ate peacefully, talking about their own individual lives until a group of men dressed in chains and black entered. There was six of them, and they all appeared as if they were forced against their will. So Mun heard as they asked a waitress for a big table, and they reluctantly followed with dragged feet.

Hana had a raised eyebrow as she took a sip of her drink. "Who are they? Haven't seen them around." She observed them with narrowed eyes, and she couldn't help but be suspicious of them.

"Shin Jaehyun's friends. Maybe they're getting a table before they arrive." Taejoon said nonchalantly.

Seeing her confused face, Yunhee helped explain. "A wicked criminal that harms anyone who gets in his way. Sick person, but the law has done absolutely nothing about it." She taps her fingers on the table. "It's horrible, but we just have to avoid everything that they do. After all, we don't want to become a target."

Hana grew intrigued. "How does someone become a target?"

So Mun took a bite out of his food and replied, "Beating him in a race is common, but the list can include having ties to him back in his old days or owning a piece of a necklace that he cares about."

Yunhee looked at him with surprise. "How do you know that?"

"The necklace he always wears was from his ex-girlfriend before she broke up with him after she found out about his criminal history. She stole it and then broke it into pieces, getting rid of them so it can't be put together again."

"Okay yeah that's nice to know," Yunhee scoffed. "But how did you find out about this?"

"I have my ways." So Mun grinned as he held the soda can in his hand and looked at it, reading the English label out loud. "Too many consumptions of this product may result in...wait, why can death be a cause?"

Hana cleared her throat and looked at him, "So...is there any way to hide from him if you get in trouble? Because I wouldn't want to be an easy target."

"Shin Hyeoku, his nephew, owns a motel type of building that helps racers or other people like us hide from people like him or the law. He only lets certain people in though. He's told me himself that he doesn't allow sex offenders, pedophiles, or any of that nasty shit." So Mun asked for the bill from their waitress. "He's against his father's and uncle's actions, but knows he'll be in big trouble if he lets them know that. So, he had to constantly lie to them."

"I feel bad for him though," Taejoon shakes his head, interrupting. "Constantly having the pressure of needing to hide his secret from his family? Must be tough."

"It is tough." Hana confirmed without looking up. "The fear of getting caught is uneasy."

Yunhee was about to say something in return but was cut off by the check coming to them, So Mun entering his card information and handing it back to the lady. Whenever he gets it back Taejoon asks, "Yall wanna go to the park near the coffee shop?"

Hana raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"It's a park me and Seunwoo and him to go alot. I don't think So Mun's ever gone." Yunhee replies.

"I haven't." He confirms. "It'll be fun, let's go."


It's cold outside, yet the breeze feels calm and welcoming as the four racers walk together around the playground.

The sound of soft music was coming from a nearby car as there was a party close to them.  It happened every weekend. Turns out alot of food and drinks and illegal substances get shared at those, so they never went to those.

"Everytime I go to these, I get reminded of when I was a child." Yunhee confesses as she takes a photo of the moon. "My parents taking me on the swings and laughing."

So Mun doesn't realize he's shaking and shutting his eyes closed until he feels a light pat on his shoulder. Whenever he opens them again, he see's how the hand is now gone but the closest person to him was Hana. He smiles at her sightly, and she returns it back.

"Seunwoo's race is tomorrow." Taejoon says, breaking the silence. "Yall ready for it? Or should I say, Yunhee's boyfriend." He adds with a teasing voice.

"Jeom Taejoon!"

So Mun and Hana watch as both of them chase each around the area while laughing and yelling at each other. He notices that Hana's ears are turning red as well as her nose, the cause probably coming from the cold. Being the person that he is, So Mun takes off his warm, brown jacket and puts it on her. "Don't move," He says as he makes her move her shoulders to slip it on her body.

"What about you?" Hana questions. "Aren't you gonna be cold too?"

So Mun shrugs. "I've been through way worse. You seem like a popsicle right now and I feel bad about it."

The feeling is bittersweet as she looks at him under the moon, giving her weird, unidentified vibes. "Thanks, So Mun."

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now