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"Um, Seunwoo." Yongsun interrupts the silence at the table. "I have bad news for you."

Everyone eating looks up expectedly. He doesn't like how all the attention had suddenly shifted onto him. "What is it?"

Yongsun shows the younger a news article on his phone. "Jaehyun's trying to ruin our image by spreading misinformation about your race."

Seunwoo took his phone and with scrunched eyebrows he skims through the article. "Still?" He says clearly obvious that he's annoyed. "Why can't they just accept the fact that I'm better then them?"

Ms. Chu gives him a stern look. "Act serious."

"I am!" He objects. "Their causing all this fuss, and for what? All it's gonna do is stain our image."

Motak sighs tiredly as he sets down his chopsticks, "That's probably their plan. They have more money and everyone knows he's intimidating." He looks around to see all the Greasers and Islands staring at him all confused. "Aw come on, this is your standard tv drama trope!"

"We're not saying your wrong." Hana spoke with no hint of doubt in her voice. "It's just strange how the article only now just came out, it's been two days."

"It took them two days because that's how long it took them to collect evidence on us Greasers." Haeun said as she looked on her own phone. "Also, reports say that they saw the Greasers were spotted at the event cheering for Seunwoo, whom are also on his side." She reads from the article. "They then go on to talk about our history as if it's relevant to anything."

So Mun tilts his head back in distress. "So what are we going to do then?"

"Easy." Taejoon says nonchalantly. "We have to find evidence that will focus on getting Jaehyun exposed for being who he is so people will forget about us."

"And how will we do that?"

"Exposing their drug use and history, of course."


It was very unexpected that everyone would end up on their laptops, looking up the history and rise of Jaehyun's group. The official name for them was the Rocket's Mouse Trap, which seemed extremely odd as So Mun looked into it.

"Rocket's Mouse Trap is a racer group founded by Shin Jaehyun for a way to support everyone associated." He read through their website, "Our goal is to make sure to enjoy our time while also- okay fuck, this sounds like an eleven year old wrote this."

He grabbed his hair in annoyance, which is a habit he's always had since he was young as Ms. Chu rubbed his back as comfort. He smiled up at her, until he focused back on his computer.

"Maybe look into Jaehyun himself." Yongsun said as he looked over So Mun's shoulder. "There might be information about him that we can use later to find other stuff."

So Mun clicked on the 'About the leader' section of the website and read through it, yet nothing jarring was found. There was barely any personal information on him anyway, which seemed even worse for him.

"I think we might have to come up with another plan." He spun around in his chair.

"Which is?" Motak said as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not sure." So Mun says sadly, picking at his nails. "Why don't know him personally, and there's nothing on their website to go off of."

Seunwoo suddenly looks at Taejoon. "Hyung, how did you know about their drug scheme in the first place?"

The red haired smirked at him. "Like So Mun, I have my ways." He gave a stern look at the younger. "Except, i'm going to say how; I had a friend a couple years ago who worked in secret for him. He told me all about their location they do the drug selling."

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now