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Trigger Warning: Flashblacks with Verbal/Physical Abuse, Anxiety Attacks.


Hana had a bad feeling about this race, and she had absolutely zero clue why. She couldn't help but worry about the odd feeling that lingered around her.

The weather was fine; It wasn't cloudy or looked it was about to storm, and the smell of fried food filled the air. There was always food stands on the sidelines of the race track just in case anyone wanted to eat.

Seunwoo felt fine luckily, because it was obviously his race that was going on today. She watched as Taejoon gave him some words of encouragement before heading off to his seat. He had a big grin in his face, probably because he was about to watch his brother race against another group.

Speaking of which, what group was he going against?

Hana walked over to Seok who was sitting doen on a chair and lightly tapped his shoulder. "Do you know who Seunwoo is going up against today?"

He looked up from his phone and shook his head no. "I think it's the..Rocket's? I don't know who's idea it was to name their group that, atleast Greaser's sounds cool."

Hana let out a small laugh at that. "Thanks Seok." She walked back to where the seats were and unfortunately, she had to sit beside Chanwook. Luckily, Motak was sat behind them and said, "No funny business this time, especially you Chanwook."

He was about to say something back until the doors of the race track opened, revealing the Rocket members which made Hana's heart drop.

The exact same guys from yesterday, She thought.

They had given her a bad impression due to the way they acted, spoke, and dressed. All of them had a serious face on showing no laughter, contrasting to the Island members.

It was obvious they were apart of Shin Jaehyun's group because of his name being on their jackets in big, red letters. She saw the tallest one get into the car, now both of the two vehicles on the starting line.

Hana's eyes widened in worry and was about to rush down to warn Seunwoo but she felt a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from moving.

"He already knows, relax." So Mun reassured her as he sat down in the seat on the left. "Seunwoo needs to beat them, but he also doesn't want to become a target either."

"So what's he going to do then?"

"Simple." He took a piece of popcorn from his bucket and ate it. "Ignore their looks. Not give away anything about him." So Mun handed the bucket to Hana. "Want one?"

She rolled her eyes and slapped it away. "No. I hate popcorn."

She doesn't miss the half frown that forms on his lips, yet it disappears as quickly as it came. "Suit yourself." He has a grin on his face.

Whenever everyone had gotten inside the cars, the countdown on the big screen started going down.

10, 9, 8...

"Seunwoo needs to win this race." So Mun whispered to the girl beside of him. "He'll win a shit ton of money from this."

"How much?" Hana asked.

3, 2, 1...

"Around ten thousand dollars. Jaehyun is pretty rich and has alot of money to burn."


As soon as the light turned green, the two cars immediately started driving, accelerating quickly at high speeds. It took alot of practice to control steering them, yet once you got the hang of it there was no problem.

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now