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So Mun was indeed right; It was very interesting having to share a room with her for the next couple days.

For starters, that let each other know what habits they both had.

So Mun always wakes up at the same time, (even without an alarm) takes a shower, shaves, brushes his teeth, and by the time he's done with the bathroom, Hana wakes up to start her morning.

When she's done with her routine, she always finds So Mun on the floor doing some exercise. The first day they got here, she was pleasantly surprised.

"Why the hell are you doing push ups on the floor?" She asked him as she dried her hair with her towel.

"Did you expect me to do them on the bed?" He says nonchalantly without changing his rhythm. He's wearing a simple tank top with his sweatpants, and he turns his head to face her. "You wanna join me?"

Hana scoffed. "No," She sat down at the desk they had. "I have better and more important stuff to do."

"More important then eating breakfast?" He questioned her.

"So Mun." She turns around the chair that she's sitting in. "Your on the floor doing workouts."

"I'm working out." He says as he moves to a sit-up position. "Atleast I'm keeping my body healthy. What are you doing?" He points to her. "Sitting down?"

Hana sighs as she walks to where he's laying down. She steps on his feet, "If you shut up I'll help you out with your exercise."

He grins, "Thanks flower," So Mun is easily able to move his body up and down, flexing his arms. Once again, Hana stares without even realizing it.

"No but really though," He stops suddenly, looking up at her with his big eyes. "What are we going to eat for breakfast?"


It's when Hana's eating her meal peacefully that she gets a message on her phone.

Her phone turns on with the notification, and she sets down her chopsticks to check it.

So Mun, with cheeks full of food raises his eyebrow suspiciously from across the table. They're both at the motel's dining area, and it was just them and one other guest there.

The motel served a variety of healthy but also tasty meals for breakfast. Both of them grab some eggs and rice after they had finished their morning workouts.


Hana, what happened to you?
Are you tied into the murder case? If so, how??
Please tell me where you are, I need to visit you.

Reading her worried expression, So Mun takes a guess. "Who is it?"

She frowns at him, "My friend. He wants to know what happened to me." She shows the messages to him while taking more bites of her food.

So Mun narrows his eyebrows in suspicion, "I see. Is that the guy you were such in a hurry to see the other day?"

Hana's eyes widen as she almost chokes on her rice. "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess." He lies. "Is he though? You even shot me a dirty look when I talked to you."

She sighs, "I really didn't mean to, I'm sorry." Hana rubs her temple with her hand, "He just always gets so upset whenever I'm late to our hangouts, and I really didn't want him to freak out again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now