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It made Hana so mad.

He makes her so mad.

Yet why does she talk to him?

The way his stupid smile is shown on his stupid handsome face makes Hana want to slap him silly.

Yet, So Mun is the reason why she was storming out of the warehouse into her car.

Whenever he went downstairs, everybody kept asking him what happened to make her so upset.

"It's a misunderstanding." He said, which was well, the truth but there was something missing from it.

His fellow racers didn't know he had that gun; Nobody knew until now.

"You wanna be a racer, right?" Yongsun said speaking to the eighteen year old in the chair infront of him as before pulled out a small book. "Well, there are rules we have to follow as well so we don't get in trouble."

As So Mun was being read the rules, he couldn't but help and wonder how this would decrease their chances of being involved with the police.

After all, their illegal racers. They're bound to get caught anyway.

"Rule #37:" Yongsun read. "Any racer is never allowed, under any circumstance, to own any firearm or have it on them. If you need a weapon for self defense, please check the 'alternatives' section of this book."

So Mun mentally scoffed. What a stupid rule, he thought. Under no circumstance?

As So Mun shook his head to get out of the memory from two years ago, he turned to everyone else, "I need to blow off some steam as well." And left out the front door.


There was always a place someone went to when they were upset.

Some people, went to bars to drink their emotions away. Some people, went to a park or street or something so they could forget about everything for a moment.

For Hana, that place was an abandoned alleyway.

It was abandoned for a reason; Years ago, this place would've been covered in posters filled with colors and joyous filling the atmosphere. People went here to have fun, whenever special events happened in the town. These events were hosted by the mayor.

That was all gone now. After the corruption and arrest of Shin Myeonghwi, the events obviously stopped so there was so more fun things to look forward to around this area.

This just let Hana have this herself. A place where she could blow off steam, or just forget about everything.

As she walked there, she went towards the end and sat down at the wall, leaning her head back in distress.

And then she remembered something; Seunwoo was never able to put a tracker down on someone from Jaehyun's hideout. They were too busy trying to not get caught.

A loud voice interrupted her thoughts. "Hey, it's the chick from earlier!"

She looked up to see the same six men from the other day in the restaurant walking into the alley with her. She had just now realized that one of them was the one she saw earlier that morning.

Hana was panicking, because she was by herself, but knew better then to show that she was scared.

They were all in shape and knew how to give a good beating, while she barely knew any form of fighting. They walked over towards her, then stopped to leave some distance.

"Funny." One of the men spoke. It was the one she recognized. "We thought it would've taken alot more time to find you, but it was easier then we expected."

𝗝𝗜𝗞𝗝𝗜𝗡; 𝗖𝗥𝗜𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 - MunhanaWhere stories live. Discover now