Chapter 9: LETS GET IT ON.

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The center blue hologram of Arcee discussing her ideas with Optimus Prime and the Autobots glows the room of the Jedi Council with all in attendance in some way except for Master Koon, Master Ti, and Master Kenobi.

It's only the other nine observing the recordings Master Tholme, Master Vos, and Master Secura have brought. They look with very much nod to detail and insight into each and every word. Their plans are something they take grand focus in, and they don't miss a word, and when the recording ends, they keep replaying it with no one speaking. It's watched with the questions in their heads of who's speaking, what's happening, why it's happening, and how is this going to happen. Finally, they end their review, and a returned Yoda is taking in what he has seen and heard, looking down on the floor with a thoughts being processed, a kind that a supercomputer does, an ability taking time and skill to perfect. But why would they do this? Most likely to get home, he's heard of their desperation and knows how much they yearn for the sight and condition of their homeworld. But this is not the way.

"We should gather them and convince them not to go ahead." Suggests Mace Windu.

"And under more surveillance. This suggestion and potential action is greatly radical. They know they are our enemy. Negotiating with them is not up for debate." Says Oppo Rancisis.

"They will capture them and use them against us, as we are supposed to protect them." Puts out Even Piell.

"Know if they might go through this, we don't. Ideas merely suggested, but both of great Autobot support but not one is a good path." Says Yoda.

"We have to stop them in any of these attempts. You all know they'll truly try it. They'll be kept for a little time here after we have stopped this dangerous choice of action."

"But, Master Windu. They have business back on their ship." Adi Gallia says with concern for them.

"I know, we can deal with that after we confront them about this. This is too a political matter. We need to get senators to legitimately deal with them. Our trust can not be broken even when they are on the cusp of entering the war." He says, referring to one of the two most important points heard on the recording.

"Where are they right now." Says Eeth Koth curiously.

"Hmm, Temple Guards and us, search for them. Talk to them peacefully. Situation, escalating can it get." Yoda warns. Before all of them choose who should go in the room or on their communication devices to others into the labyrinth of the Jedi Temple.


Mace Windu, Yoda, Adi Gallia, Even Piell and Kit Fisto are sent out to search for them along with any of their Padawans or Temple Guards to search for the Autobots, and their first target is the Jedi Hanger.

Meanwhile, out in the halls of the Jedi Temple near the Jedi Archives, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper are tasked to get information to learn their language and know of the galaxy before they join. Also, the two Autobot brothers came along to see the rest of the temple, wanting to catch sight of the inner workings.

"Hey, Bee, they didn't show us this part of the temple." Cliffjumper announces.

"I guess its because of how many were with us and that we could not all fit through their doors to other rooms or we might disrupt traffic here."

"Yeah, it does look busy here. Hey, how many do you suppose there are in this whole building."

"I guess a couple thousand, why?"

"Well, I know since most of these guys are generals of a cloned army out in space and are conquering planets, you would've thought there would be less here."

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