Love math

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I've been doing math, trying to figure out how, when will I see you again. It looks like tha numbers are not in our side, maybe the starts will be. I know that there's always a way that brings me back to the things I truly desire. I'll move heaven to hell if I need to, I'll take my time to be my best. I'll built myself to be better just for you. I'll make the earth change it's orbit if I need to, I'll get closer to the sun, I'll get burnt with it's warmth if I can not get in fire under your touch once again.
I'll give you a souvenir so you can hold it till you see me again.
I'll let a piece of my true self in this pages.
I'll give you a pedestal between my legs and next to my hips. I'll make you my temple, I'll be back praying for you each night I'm away, cause my eyes are yours. There's no art that can take them away from where they belong. You stained me like wine, scaring my skin in the best spots. Make me bleed so I know I'm still pure each time I'm next to you.
You taught me a secret language I can't speak with no one else. Your name it's the only language I know how to speak, I'll forget each word in English till they f
                                                                         L away in each line I write.
There's a point in the sky's map where we collide, there's a middle, a piece of grammar in your tongue, where I understand what you mean even when your words are strange for me.I'll learn how to love you in the distance, I'll practice my words till I see you again, so I can forget them when my mouth meets yours again.
I got nothing but devotion in the most pure way. It's not the admiration, it's that I'm special. There's something in your aura, there's a scent in your skin that tells me things you don't even know. There are things in you that I can see even when you close the door for me. You get cristal clear for me sometimes. A hard cristal heart. I can't scratch you even if I try, that's why I breath against your chest. I fog up the doors even if they are not open. I breath in shivering breaths under your chest, so I can write a message in the steam once you are done making me scream. I swaddle my fingers around your chest, writing letters , making words I can't say.
I keep forgetting how to say I love you, cause I don't think there's any power in those words. Cause love is devotion, is patience, is admiration, is the magnet pulling me back to your lips. There's no content in words, there's only love in actions. You are a good fantasy, a delusional desire, but I'll make it real.
I keep succeeding, I keep getting all the things I ever wanted, cause I work hard. So I'll work, I'll give it time, I'll spend my days learning, I'll be a good student, I won't forget our language, I'll pray to see you again and if it's god's will, I will. I think this meeting was meant to be. I was meant to learn, you are just another one of god's tools.
There's something that changed in me, I got rid of pain and gained a second heart, one I can nourish with your touch, one that I only keep for you, one that beats each time you breath. Take my breath away like a souvenir, keep this piece of me, I don't need this heart, it belongs to you, I'll have it back when we meet again. I'll keep loving you in the distance, subtle waves of your special energy will keep me moving forward to you.
If it's meant to be, it will be, cause If it's not, I'll have to reinvent math, to change physics laws to make it possible.
Don't doubt me, cause I'm better than what you can see, and I think you are going to have time to see it one day. I'll be in the muelle of San Blas, and I think this time he will come around.
I had the time of my life learning from you. Permanent scaring if hard to forget. And I don't want to. I hope you won't either. I hope you still believe there's more of me to see, to know. I hope I'm a good mistery you want to retake in a couple of years or months.
Blow cigarette breath into my lungs one last time, kill me in an addictive way, I'll take a big breath and hold it till I see you again.
This words are just a piece of what I am, this books is only available for you, and I'm yours to keep, so keep me like a secret, keep me like an oath.
I'll keep what's ours for a long time, I'll keep praying each day to see you again, and one day he will hear me. I'm a child of god, there are things I can't explain, but there are whispers behind my ears, angel words speaking tongues, a language I'm familiar with. There are things I can see through my soul and not through my eyes, and you are a good view for my soul.
I'll wait.
I'll be loyal.
I'll obey ur words.
I'll keep building over this love, over my heart, till you can own me again.

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