Why Do You Care?

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BS(BeforeSpitfire) language used. Later DS(DuringSpitfire)

Artemis started having a terrible time at school, yes Gotham Academy not Gotham North. Even though Robin was supposed to keep an eye on her to make sure she is safe and not in trouble, simply saying he failed, just like being beat by her in combat training. Since dick couldn't protect her from bullies she shattered inside, her skills weakened, her hand to hand combat started to drop, her focus on living became less and less. No one on the team seemed to notice, except for the one and only fire headed speedster. So one day he took it upon himself to, you know tell her straight up.
"Hey, Artemis!" The speedster came running towards Artemis.

"What do you want?" Artemis said turning around after nocking an arrow into her bow.

"Hey watch the face!"

"Why are you talking to me." She said coldly.

"I've noticed something, about your behavior lately." Artemis nodded so he took this as to go on (that makes no sense will edit later). "You've been distant lately even for you, so I've taken the liberty since no one else will *flinches* to ask you what's wrong?" He waited for a smart ass retort or a punch or something, it never came.

"Everything." She mumbled it so he couldn't hear.

"Excuse me?"

"I said EVERYTHING okay? The bullies, the homework, the pain and suffering of living everyday! People not liking me like you for starters, having to learn how to be someone I'm not everything in this GOD damn universe!" He looked at her straight in the eyes which made her flinch. "Being a sheep in wolves clothing, having to be a perfect daughter and anyway Why the hell do you care huh?" It never did occur to him why he just suddenly started caring about Artemis' well being. "Answer me Wallace why do you care so much?"

"I don't know okay! If I did know I would tell you, you'd be the first I'd tell you know why? Because I like you! That's why I care so much because I care about you and like you!" Wait did he just say that out loud? "Oh god did I just say that out loud?" He face palmed. Artemis put he bow and arrow down.

"Wait you like me?"

"Yea *flinches again* and if you don't like me back I understand." Artemis started walking towards him. 'Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me' repeated in his head. Then out of all things she hugged him. And whispered.

"Good, cus I like you too Baywatch." When she finished hugging him she went back to shooting arrows at the targets. Wally was struck out of his daze when Artemis threw a pillow at his face.

"What just happened?" That was 3 years ago.

"You were day dreaming again stupid, was it the same day dream as you usually have or is it different?" he looked up at Artemis. He was on the Cave's couch with a controller in his hand.

"Same one, the one when we first admitted we liked each other."

"So it distracted up you enough to lose to M'gann. That is sad yet cute at the same time." Wally looked around and saw the Martian jumping up and down victoriously.

"Well you know if that never happened we would never have became a couple." She kissed his cheek.

"Your such a dork you know that?"

"Yea but I'm your dork." I know over used by us fan girls and boys.

"Okay keep saying that if I ever dump you."

"Ha, you dumping me that's real funny babe. I would be the one to dump you!"

"Why don't we just say that hypothetically that I dumped you what would happen?"

"All of my hopes and dreams would be crushed, and the team would probably disband. Okay my turn so let's say Hypothetically I dumped you what would happen?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"No not really, but why do you care anyway if we break up anyway? It won't happen anytime soon."

"Because if you haven't noticed M'gann and Conner broke up last week, right after Tula died too."

"Wait, seriously? That's what your worried about? Me breaking up with you."

"Yes." Her shoulders slumped.

"You know I would never do that to you right? You've been through enough in your life Artemis to know I wouldn't do that to you, even if we got into a gigantic fight and you said you hated me and I said I hated you, I wouldn't break your heart." He got up kissed her forehead then hugged her. "I love you way too much to ever want to hurt you."

"I love you too Wally."

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