Supposed lies

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"Ow, ow ow ow ow ow! Ahhh!"

"Get some morphine!" Wally yelled at Robin, "you're hurting her!"

"She doesn't need it, her injury isn't that bad! And plus, its going to make her say things she'll regret later!" Robin bellowed back at Wally.

"Does it look like I care! I love her too much to put her in any unnecessary pai-" he started to quiet, realising that he was speaking his thoughts. Artemis smirked, even in her stinging pain. Wally blushed and turned, searching the cuboards of the medical bay for some morphine.

"It's fine," she said through clenched teeth, "when I use morphine I don't say anything personal about myself, morphine doesn't affect me in that way. You can give me morphine."

Wally turned back around with a bottle of morphine and a needle. Robin left, saying he would give time for the morphine to kick in before taking out the bullet that had embedded itself in Artemis' thigh bone. Artemis' secret admirer sat beside her and read the bottle instructions, the words were too small and he was too lazy to get his goggles to see better, so he tried his best.'Fill needle up to 30 mg line. Insert needle in shoulder on side with pain. Wait until all of the drug is inside patient then wait ten more seconds before pulling needle out.' The words being too small, he thought it said '80 mg' instead of '30 mg.

Wow, that's a lot of morphine, he thought to himself as he filled the needle up to the 80 mg line and cleaned Artemis' shoulder with an anti-septic. He inserted the needle for the directed time and waited for the morphine to kick in.

"Hey Wally," Artemis giggled, "have I ever told you how handsome you are?"

"Uh, no..." He said, too confused to blush at her compliment. "Arty, are you okay?"

"I like it when you call me Arty! And I like you even more! In fact, I lllooovvveee you!" Artemis slurred and said like a 5 year old.

"Artemis. Stop lying to me, you know I like you and you're trying to tease by saying you like me too. I know the morphine doesn't affect you, so you're mouth is being wasted right now."

"But I do love you, its true!" Artemis frowned sadly that the love of her life didn't believe her.

"Artemis, that's enough, I know you're lying to me and trying to mock me. Just stop." He said, frustrated.


"Hey guys, the morphine should have kicked on by now, so I'm going to start taking the bullet out now." Robin, walked in through the door.

"Thanks, Rob," Wally said, glad for a distraction and he walked out, not being able to deal with Artemis anymore.

"Why did he leave? I want him to stay." Artemis pouted.

"Exactly how much morphine did he give you?" Robin chuckled and Artemis shrugged. Robin picked up the needle that Wally left out and found the line of wetness ending at 80 mg.He threw his head back, looking up at the ceiling and sighed, wondering how God could have created such a stupid person. It was such a Wally thing that Wally would do. He, himself, should have seen it coming, that Wally would put way too much. Too much affects anyone, even Artemis. Although the right amount wouldn't have affected people like her.

He continued to work on getting the bullet out while Artemis complained about Wally not being there. He finished and let Artemis rest in the medical bay, giving her a sedative so she could sleep until the morphine wore out. He ran up to the security room to look at the security footage. He watched the monitor as it depicted what happened when Wally gave Artemis the morphine. Finding out what happened, he set off to find Wally. He found that Wally was sitting in his room, sulking and surrounded by snacks and all kinds of junk food. He sneaked in, ready to play cupid, when Wally wasn't looking."She likes you, you know."

He said, not looking at Wally but at a picture of Artemis that Wally kept in his room."No, she doesn't." Wally didn't turn, already used to Robin sneaking into places when he wasn't supposed because of their many years of friendship.

"She wasn't lying to you."

"How do you know about that!?!"

"I'm Robin, Richard Grayson." He said flatly.

"It doesn't matter. She was toying with my feelings."

"It was the morphine."

"She said herself that she wasn't affected like that by morphine."

"Ya, she isn't, except when you give her more than double then you're supposed to to!"

"I-what?"Robin took off his mask and rolled his eyes. Wally knew his secret long ago, they told each other their secret identities because the pair trusted each other.

"The bottle said 30 mg and you gave her 80." Dick stated. Wally stared at Dick, bewildered.

"She was telling the tru-"

"Wallace Rudolph West!" A loud angry female voice was heard everywhere in the cave, followed by stomping stormy footsteps into Wally's room. Wally flinched, knowing that when a middle name was used by a certain archer, someone was in deep, deep trouble.

"You gave me too much morphine!?!" Artemis scowled at him. She approached him and he shrunk back under her glare. She stopped moving when their foreheads touched, them being face to face with each other.

"Good," she whispered, "I'm glad I told you." Then she leaned forward, and their lips met for the first time.

Written by Artemis2789

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