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I always knew I would never be fast enough, but being too fast? Yea, that was a first. The sad part was, I'd never be able to marry the girl I love, I'd never get to have little speedster and archer children with her either. But hey I saved the world, if I could I'd do all of it again. If I could I would have stopped myself and hugged her when she cried and cried. She couldn't take it anymore, and it was all my fault. She was pregnant with my children. I was going to propose. She had twins, Jai and Grayson . One has my eyes and the other has my best friend's name. They were a year old when Dick Grayson tried and succeeded bringing me back to life.

My life was changed, I had 5 amazing kids and a Spitfire wife, Jai, Grayson, Apollo, Wendy and Bella I love you guys, your mother and I are sorry, for all the pain and suffering of worrying if your parents will come home or not. Now we worry about all 5 of you.

Jai, we know being a speedster comes with a few hard ships but you'll pull through your a West after all. You are unique no matter what your cousins Lian, August and Winter say. Yes, I will also congratulate you on getting your first (and hopefully only) girlfriend Marie Kent is a very nice girl and she is lucky that her dad could easily kill me and is one of my best friends.

Grayson, monitor duty isn't fun but remember that your as important as everyone else in the Young Justice League. Your mom only grounded you to monitor duty because you skipped training for about 13 months. So train that long and you'll be back in the field in no time.

Apollo, our very first archer, we are proud of you never forget that your brothers and sisters may be metas but you are special and don't have anything to prove at least not to me and your mom. Remember, if you find any souvenirs make a new souvenir shelf to remember all your missions.

Wendy, my first little girl, I know you don't want me to be the over protective dad that tells you not to flirt with every boy in existence, but I was a flirt when I was around your age too. Hang in there and find a guy that never lets you get away with anything. By the way can you tell Zeke to stop making goo goo eyes at your little sister for me, he is 2 years older than her and I don't like him eying her like that so can you stop it? If you can't just text or call me.

Bella my little angel, just a warning you aren't going to be the youngest for long. That was number one, number two, remember being able to run and shoot arrows at the same time can be a very dangerous situation. For example you could be running way too fast and your notching an arrow and your running down a hill and start flipping, the arrow pokes your eye and then you can't see anymore.

Kids remember to always be safe on missions, listen to Uncle Dick and your Mom when being assigned a mission. Always try to stay on each others good side when in battle or just in general. Good luck on being the new and improved Young Justice League.

---------Love your dad, The Flash, and finally Wallace (Wally) Rudolph West

P.S Bella really wanted to know my full name so here it is kiddo. Dad Out.

-By JinxedPanda4Life

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