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"I don't deserve your love," she stated firmly, "period."

"Yes, Artemis, you do! Why can't you see that!?! You are the only person I love and you are my everything. You are worth everything I give you, even my heart." I had tears in my eyes and I knew. Didn't she see how she made me feel? How special she was to me?

"Wally, no," she sighed, "I'm far from perfect! Why can't you see that? I have criminal parents and a villainess for a sister. I have a broken past that I will never be able to heal from!" Suddenly, tears sprung out of her eyes that hadn't been there seconds ago.

I sped up to her and place my hands on her cheeks, my thumbs rubbing her tears dry. She tried to turn her head away but I forced her to look up at me. I stared into those glittering silver eyes I had fallen in love with and said, "you are perfect for me. I will never love anyone as much as I love you and I will never heal if you leave me. I don't care if you don't think you're perfect or if anyone else has something bad to say about you, you will always be perfect in my eyes." I stopped and closed my eyes for a second before opening them again to see her eyes looking everywhere but at me.

"You don't deserve me," she said quietly. She looked back up at me and said louder, "you deserve someone who is perfect, has a great relationship with her parents, is beautiful, polite and a great person. I'm none of those, I'm-"

"All of those and more!" I interrupted her. "You are perfect, beautiful, polite and a great person! You stand up for yourself and are tough! You know how to fight and are better than any other woman in the world!" I took a deep breath, "you know what else you have that other girls don't?"

She thought for a second, "no," she breathed.

"You have attitude and you never give up. But the best? You have my love."

She looked up at me adoringly and I leaned in, knowing I had convinced her.

Artemis POV

He leaned i and in this single, beautiful moment of contact, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again except that I would always love this handsome, clumsy, funny jerk. And that I would prove my love through this magical moment, this new start, in this kiss.

A.N. sorry, really short! I couldn't really think of anything to write.

-by Artemis2789

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